other names
{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }}
Headquarters {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date 11/22/2024
Adviser Type - Large advisory firm
Number of Employees 14 75.00%
of those in investment advisory functions 8 33.33%
Registration SEC, Approved, 01/03/2023
Other registrations (1)
Former registrations


AUM* 348,627,964 95.44%
of that, discretionary 348,627,964 95.44%
Private Fund GAV* 107,480,481 -29.22%
Avg Account Size 87,156,991 144.29%
SMA’s No
Private Funds 3 2
Contact Info 914 xxxxxxx

Client Types

- Pooled investment vehicles

Advisory Activities

- Portfolio management for pooled investment vehicles

Compensation Arrangments

- A percentage of assets under your management
- Performance-based fees

Recent News

Reported AUM

178M 153M 127M 102M 76M 51M 25M
2022 2023

Private Funds


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Fund TypeReal Estate Fund Count2 GAV$78,064,837
Fund TypeOther Private Fund Count1 GAV$29,415,644

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Brochure Summary


FIRMDESCRIPTION FairbridgeAssetManagementLLC(“Fairbridge”)wasformedinDelawarein2018andisa registeredinvestmentadviserwiththeSECunderSection203oftheInvestmentAdvisers Actof1940,asamended(the“AdvisersAct”).Thefirm’sprincipalownersareBrianWalter, JohnLetteraandStevenWissak.
SERVICESPROVIDED Fairbridgeprovidesadvisoryservicesonadiscretionarybasistoitsclients,whicharecertain pooledinvestmentvehicles(each,a“Fund”andcollectively,the“Funds”).Fairbridgeisan asset-basedlenderthatoriginatesandmanagesapoolofshort-termbridgeloans,generally securedbyalienonrealestateassets.
Fairbridge’sinvestmentadvisoryservicestotheFundsareprincipallyfocusedonoriginating shorttermloans,typicallybetweensixmonthsandthreeyears,securedbyalienonreal estatecollateral.Theloan-to-valueratiooftheseloansistypicallytargetedtobe40%-70% andtheunderlyinginterestrateshavetypicallybeen10%-13%.Thecollateralsecuringthe loans is generally multi-family assets (or 1-4 tenant residential buildings). However, Fairbridgemayalsooriginateloanssecuredbyotherassetsincluding,butnotlimitedto, land,industrial,retail,hospitality,office,andhealthcare.Fairbridgemanagesaportfolioof realestateloansanddoesnottailortheportfoliotomeettheneedsofanyindividualclient.
provides advice to its Funds based on the specific investment objectives and strategiesoftheFunds.Fairbridgedoesnottailoradvisoryservicestotheindividualneeds ofaninvestorintheFunds.Fundsmayimposeguidelinesandlimitationsoninvestingin certainsecuritiesorcertaintypesofsecurities.Adescriptionoftheservicesprovidedby FairbridgetotheFunds,aswellasthefees,investmentguidelines,andotherrelevantterms aresetforthintheorganizationaldocuments,investmentmanagementagreements,offering materials,orotherrelateddocuments(collectively,“GoverningDocuments”)ofeachFund.
Fairbridgeisnotpermittedtoassign(withinthemeaningoftheAdvisersAct)amanagement agreement without consent from the applicable Fund. Termination of an advisory relationshipissubjecttotheapplicableGoverningDocuments.Insomecases,theFundsor Fairbridgecouldbepermittedtoterminatethecorrespondingmanagementagreementat- willwithadvancewrittennotice.Feeswillbechargedthroughthedateserviceisterminated.
AsofDecember31,2023,Fairbridgehadapproximately$348,627,964inregulatoryassets undermanagement,allofwhichismanagedonadiscretionarybasis.