LUCASHILL, LLC other names

{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:


of those in investment advisory functions:



SEC, Approved, 6/6/2022


562,484,000 13.42%

of that, discretionary:

562,484,000 13.42%

Private Fund GAV:

177,600,000 3.80%

Avg Account Size:

187,494,667 13.42%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

609 xxxxxxx

Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

496M 425M 354M 283M 213M 142M 71M
2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Other Private Fund 1 $177,600,000

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Brochure Summary


investment advisory firm located in California organized as a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Delaware. Lucashill was founded February 2022 by Mr. Ryan E. Roderick, the Firm’s principal owner and Chief Investment Officer. investment and portfolio management services to affiliated and unaffiliated privately offered pooled investment vehicles1 (the “Advisory Clients” or “Clients”). Pursuant to investment management agreements with each Client, the Firm has discretion to formulate investment objectives, direct and manage the investment and re-investment of Client assets. The investment objectives of the Client portfolios are generally: (i) building of capital in up markets; (ii) preservation of capital in down markets; and (iii) risk adjusted performance relative to general global equity markets over short-, medium-, and long-term time horizons. Lucashill seeks to achieve these objectives through a multi-manager, multi-strategy, diversified investment approach, commonly referred to as “fund-of-funds”. As discussed in the relevant Client governing documents, the Firm’s unaffiliated Clients invest in various alternative asset classes in the form of third-party managed private funds or similar investment vehicles, or less commonly, separately managed accounts that, in turn, employ a wide variety of investment strategies. The third-party investment managers of the various funds or accounts which Lucashill selects may focus their investment in specific industry sectors or market segments, and/or geographic areas. The third-party investment managers typically employ fundamental, bottoms-up analysis to reach investment decisions and may employ borrowing or other forms of leverage. The Firm uses numerous selection criteria to identify qualified third-party investment managers with demonstrated records of investment results; however, Lucashill may also invest with other third- party investment managers likely to meet the Clients’ criteria for long-term,
higher results which may not have demonstrated records of investment results. The affiliated Clients follow a similar strategy as the unaffiliated Clients, while also engaging in revenue sharing arrangements with, or making minority equity investments in, third-party managers of the unaffiliated Clients (“Underlying Managers”), and other third-party investment managers. The affiliated Clients primarily invest in open-ended third-party managed funds or accounts that invest in public equities, have limited capacities, and have a specialized focus, as well as related revenue sharing arrangements with Underlying Managers and investments in unrelated third-party managers. In addition, on occasion, the affiliated Clients 1 The unaffiliated privately offered pooled investment vehicles, or sub-advised funds, are advised by a SEC registered investment adviser unaffiliated and independent of Lucashill, LLC. may invest in private equity, venture capital, and other less-liquid funds or accounts managed by third-party managers. Please see Item 8, Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss of this brochure for further information. investments, including Advisory Client objectives, limitations and strategies are governed exclusively by the terms of the private placement memorandum, operating agreement, and investment management agreement (collectively, the “Governing Documents”) for each Advisory Client. Specific client investment strategies and their implementation are dependent upon the Advisory Clients’ investment objectives. The Advisory Clients may impose restrictions on investing in certain securities or types of securities. Investors in the vehicles to which Lucashill serves as an adviser (“Investors”) cannot generally place such investment restrictions upon Lucashill and may not tailor Lucashill’s advisory services to their individual requirements. nor does it sponsor, wrap fee programs. Lucashill manages approximately $562,484,000 of Client assets on a discretionary basis, and $0 of Client assets on a non-discretionary basis.