{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Mid-sized advisory firm

Number of Employees:


of those in investment advisory functions:



Maryland, Terminated, 6/1/2022

Other registrations (3)

90,233,813 113.28%

of that, discretionary:

90,233,813 113.28%

Private Fund GAV:

0 -100.00%

Avg Account Size:

521,583 97.25%

% High Net Worth:

13.18% 96.36%



Private Funds:

0 2

Contact Info

301 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

42M 36M 30M 24M 18M 12M 6M

Recent News

Private Funds


Brochure Summary


A. Description of Our Advisory Firm Re-Envision Wealth is an SEC-registered firm that was formed in 2018. In addition to our registration as an investment advisor in Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), our firm and its associates may notice file, register or meet certain exemptions to registration in other states in which we conduct business. Mr. Keith Beverly, noted in Item 19 of this brochure, is our firm’s principal, supervisor and majority shareholder. In October 2022, the firm merged with Dare to Dream Financial Planning, LLC. B. Description of Advisory Services Offered To begin, a complimentary interview is conducted by a representative of our firm to determine the scope of services to be provided. During or prior to this meeting, we will provide you with our current ADV Part 2A brochure that incorporates our Privacy Policy. Should you wish to engage our firm, we must enter into a written agreement; thereafter discussion and analysis will be conducted to determine your financial needs, goals, holdings, etc. Depending on the scope of the engagement, we may require current copies of the following documents:
• Wills, codicils and trusts;
• Recent spending plan;
• Insurance policies;
• Mortgage information;
• Tax returns;
• Current financial specifics including W2's or 1099s;
• Information on current retirement plans and benefits provided by your employer;
• Statements reflecting current investments in retirement and non-retirement accounts; and
• Completed risk profile questionnaires or other forms provided by our firm. It is important that the information and financial statements you provide are accurate. We may, but are not obligated to, verify the information you have provided which will then be used in the financial planning or investment advisory process. Financial Planning Adviser provides financial planning services on an hourly, project-basis, or by engaging the client in an ongoing financial planning arrangement. For hourly financial planning engagement, Adviser will discuss the financial planning topics to be covered during the engagement prior to providing an estimate of the number of hours required to complete the engagement. Project-based engagements are initiated in the same manner. For ongoing financial planning engagements, Adviser will work with the client over an extended period. This process commences with the collection of data to assess the financial planning needs of the client. Adviser then provides the client with a completed financial plan, and meets with the client periodically to assist with implementation of the plan, and to update the plan according to changes in the financial situation of the client. Cash Flow Analysis and Debt Management A review of your income and expenses will be conducted to determine your current surplus or deficit. Based upon the results, we will provide advice on prioritizing how any surplus should be used, or how to reduce expenses if they exceed your income. In addition, advice on the prioritization of which debts to repay may be provided, based upon such factors as the debt’s interest rate and any income tax ramifications. Recommendations may also be made regarding the appropriate level of cash reserves for emergencies and other financial goals. These recommendations are based upon a review of cash accounts (such as money market funds) for such reserves and may include strategies to save desired reserve amounts. Risk Management A risk management review includes an analysis of your exposure to major risks that could have a significant adverse impact on your financial picture, such as premature death, disability, property and casualty losses, or the need for long-term care planning. Advice may be provided on ways to minimize such risks and about weighing the costs of purchasing insurance versus the benefits of doing so and, likewise, the potential cost of not purchasing insurance (“self-insuring”). Employee Benefits A review is conducted, and analysis is made as to whether you, as an employee, are taking maximum advantage of your employee benefits. We will also offer advice on your employer-sponsored retirement plan and/or stock options, along with other benefits that may be available to you. Personal Retirement Planning Retirement planning services typically include projections of your likelihood of achieving your financial goals, with financial independence usually the primary objective. For situations where projections show less than the desired results, a recommendation may include showing you the impact on those projections by making changes in certain variables (i.e., working longer, saving more, spending less, taking more risk with investments). If you are near retirement or already retired, advice may be given on appropriate distribution strategies to minimize the likelihood of running out of money or having to adversely alter spending during your retirement years. Estate Planning and Charitable Giving Our review typically includes an analysis of your exposure to estate taxes and your current estate plan, which may include whether you have a will, powers of attorney, trusts and other related documents We may assess ways to minimize or avoid estate taxes by implementing appropriate estate planning and charitable giving strategies. We are not a law firm, and we encourage you to consult with an experienced attorney when you initiate, update, or complete estate planning activities, and may provide you with contact information for attorneys who specialize in estate planning. We will participate in meetings or phone calls between you and your attorney with prior approval. Education Planning Advice involving funding an education may include projecting the amount that will be needed to achieve post-secondary goals, along with savings strategies and the “pros-and-cons” of various college savings vehicles that are available. We are also available to review your financial picture as it relates to eligibility for financial aid or ways to contribute to family members’ educations. Tax Preparation and Planning Strategies Advice may include ways to minimize current and future income taxes as a part of your overall financial planning picture. For example, recommendations may be offered as to which type of account(s) or specific investments should be owned based in part on their “tax efficiency,” with consideration that there is always a possibility of future changes to federal, state or local tax laws and rates that may impact your situation. We are not an accounting firm, but we can provide you with contact information for various specialists when you wish to hire an accountant or tax attorney. As part of our ongoing financial planning services, we do offer tax preparation and bookkeeping services through the use of third-party professionals at SSBM Consulting who we can refer you to as part of your financial planning engagement. These options will be discussed before entering into any agreement with us and will impact your total financial planning fee as explained in item 5 below. Divorce Planning Separation or divorce can have a major impact on your goals and plans. We will work with you to help you gain an understanding of your unique situation and provide you with a realistic financial picture
so that you are in a better situation to communicate with legal counsel, a mediator or soon to be ex- spouse. We can assist in the completion of cash flow and net worth projections, budgetary analysis, as well as help you to understand the financial consequences involving a settlement. Investment Consultation Our investment consultation component often involves providing general information about the types of investment vehicles available, employee retirement plans and/or stock options, investment analysis and strategies, asset selection and portfolio design, as well as limited assistance if your investment account is maintained at another broker/dealer or custodian. The strategies and types of investments that may be recommended are further discussed in Item 8 of this brochure. A range of variables can affect the development of a financial plan, such as the quality of your own records, complexity and number of current investments, diversity of insurance products and employee benefits you currently hold, size of the potential estate, and special needs of the client or their dependents, among others. At your request, we may concentrate on reviewing only a specific area, such as an employer retirement plan allocation, funding an education or estate planning issues, or evaluating the sufficiency of your current retirement plan. Note that when these services focus only on certain areas of your interest, your overall situation may not be fully addressed due to limitations you may have established. We will present you with a summary of our recommendations, guide you in the implementation of some or all of them per your decision, as well as offer you periodic reviews thereafter. In all instances involving our financial planning engagements, our clients retain full discretion over all implementation decisions and are free to accept or reject any recommendation we make Investing Consulting Services You may also choose to engage our firm to implement the investment strategies we have recommended to you. Under our investment supervisory services engagement, we will provide an investment allocation that incorporates our model portfolios or a customized portfolio. We typically provide these services under a discretionary engagement agreement (defined in Item 16). With institutional clients, we may perform due diligence for a particular investment mandate. In such cases, we typically create a separate entity we would manage that would allow access to the recommended manager/s. Our investment strategy and primary choice of investment vehicles is described in further detail in Item 8 of this brochure. Our investment supervisory services generally include the following:
• Investment strategy,
• Risk tolerance review,
• Asset allocation,
• Manager selection
• Due diligence on private market investments and managers,
• Due diligence on public market managers,
• Model portfolio selection,
• Regular portfolio monitoring, and
• Periodic rebalancing when necessary. Wealth Management Services We typically provide these services under a discretionary engagement agreement (defined in Item 16). We will assist you in preparing an investment policy statement (IPS), or similar document reflecting your investment objectives, time horizon, tolerance for risk, as well as any account constraints. Your IPS will be designed to be specific enough to provide future guidance while concurrently allowing flexibility to respond to changing market conditions. Since the IPS will to a large extent, be a product of the information and data you have provided, you will be responsible for reviewing and providing final approval of the document/plan. Clients of the wealth management service may receive financial planning at no additional cost. Our services under the wealth management services engagement include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Refinement to your financial plan when necessary,
• Periodic investment consultation to ensure your investment allocations meet your objectives and tolerance for risk,
• IPS development and review,
• Due diligence on external investment managers
• Asset allocation, selection and modification when required,
• Customized portfolios,
• Regular portfolio monitoring, and
• Periodic rebalancing when necessary. Educational Workshops & Speaking Engagements We may provide educational workshops on an “as announced” basis for groups desiring general advice on investments and personal finance. Topics may include issues related to wealth management, financial planning, retirement strategies, or various other economic and investment topics. Our workshops are educational in nature and do not involve the sale of insurance or investment products. Information presented will not be based on any one person’s need nor do we provide individualized investment advice to attendees during our general sessions. C. Client Tailored Services and Client Imposed Restrictions The firm’s services may be broad-based or more narrowly focused as you desire. Note that when these services focus only on certain areas of your interest or need, however, your overall financial situation or needs may not be fully addressed due to limitations you may have established. All client restrictions and rescissions will be provided in writing; any oral direction of the client will be reduced to written form. These records will be reviewed and approved by a principal of the firm and retained per firm records retention policy. D. Wrap Fee Programs Re-Envision Wealth, LLC does not participate in or sponsor wrap fee programs. E. Client Assets Under Management As of March 25, 2024, Re-Envision Wealth, LLC. has $90,233,813 in assets under its management at this time, all of which are managed on a discretionary basis. General Information We do not provide legal services. With your consent, we may work with your other advisors (i.e., attorneys, accountants, etc.) to assist with coordination and implementation of accepted strategies. You should be aware that these other advisors may bill you separately for their services and these fees will be in addition to those of our firm. Our firm will use its best judgment and good faith effort in rendering its services. Re-Envision Wealth, LLC cannot warrant or guarantee any particular level of account performance or that your account will be profitable over time. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Except as may otherwise be provided by law, our firm will not be liable to the client, heirs, or assignees for any loss an account may suffer by reason of an investment decision made or other action taken or omitted in good faith by our firm with that degree of care, skill, prudence and diligence under the circumstances that a prudent person acting in a fiduciary capacity would use; any loss arising from our adherence to your direction or that of your legal agent; any act or failure to act by a service provider maintaining an account. Notwithstanding the preceding, nothing within our client agreement is intended to diminish in any way our fiduciary obligation to act in your best interest or in any way limit or waive your rights under federal or state securities laws or the rules promulgated pursuant to those laws.