{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

14 16.67%

of those in investment advisory functions:



SEC, Approved, 3/18/2022


1,632,226,548 21.31%

of that, discretionary:

1,610,964,755 21.57%

Private Fund GAV:

98,255,706 29.70%

Avg Account Size:

609,495 8.54%

% High Net Worth:

95.30% -0.37%



Private Funds:

7 1

Contact Info

(61 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

1B 1B 947M 757M 568M 379M 189M
2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 7 $98,255,706

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


A. Firm Information Validus Capital LLC (“Validus Capital” or the “Advisor”) is a registered investment advisor with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). The Advisor is organized as a Limited Liability Company (“LLC”) under the laws of the State of Delaware. Validus Capital was founded in February 2022 and became a registered investment advisor in April 2022. This Disclosure Brochure provides information regarding the qualifications, business practices, and the advisory services provided by Validus Capital. For information regarding this Disclosure Brochure, please contact Sean Chen (Chief Operating Officer and Chief Compliance Officer) at (424) 499-1371 or via email at schen@validus- B. Advisory Services Offered Validus Capital provides wealth management services, including investment management, financial planning, legacy planning and family office services to high net worth individuals, families, trusts, estates, businesses, attorneys, and foundations (each referred to as a “Client”). The Advisor serves as a fiduciary to Clients, as defined under the applicable laws and regulations. As a fiduciary, the Advisor upholds a duty of loyalty, fairness, and good faith towards each Client and seeks to mitigate conflicts of interest. Validus Capital’s fiduciary commitment is further described in the Advisor’s Code of Ethics. For more information regarding the Code of Ethics, please see Item 11 – Code of Ethics, Participation or Interest in Client Transactions and Personal Trading. Wealth Management Services Validus Capital provides customized wealth management solutions for its Clients. This is achieved through continuous personal Client contact and interaction while providing discretionary wealth management and related advisory services. Validus Capital works closely with each Client to identify their investment goals and objectives as well as risk tolerance and financial situation in order to design a portfolio strategy. Validus Capital will then construct an investment portfolio, primarily consisting of mutual funds, SMAs, exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”), individual equity securities, alternative investments, and/or fixed income securities. The Advisor may also utilize other types of investments, as appropriate, to meet the needs of the Client. The Advisor may recommend unaffiliated money managers for certain investment mandates. The Advisor may retain certain legacy investments based on portfolio fit and/or tax considerations. Validus Capital’s investment approach is primarily long-term focused, but the Advisor may buy, sell or re-allocate positions that have been held for less than one year to meet the objectives of the Client or due to market conditions. Validus Capital will construct, implement, and monitor the portfolio to ensure it meets the goals, objectives, circumstances, and risk tolerance agreed to by the Client. Each Client will have the opportunity to place reasonable restrictions on the types of investments to be held in their respective portfolio, subject to acceptance by the Advisor. Validus Capital evaluates and selects investments for inclusion in Client portfolios only after applying its internal due diligence process. Validus Capital may recommend, on occasion, redistributing investment allocations to diversify the portfolio. Validus Capital may recommend specific positions to increase sector or asset class weightings. The Advisor may recommend employing cash positions as a possible hedge against the market movement. Validus Capital may recommend selling positions for reasons that include, but are not limited to, harvesting capital gains or losses, business or sector risk exposure to a specific security or class of securities, overvaluation or overweighting of the position[s] in the portfolio, change in risk tolerance of the Client, generating cash to meet Client needs, or any risk deemed unacceptable for the Client’s risk tolerance. Page 5 Use of Independent Managers Validus Capital may recommend that a Client utilize one or more unaffiliated investment managers or investment platforms (collectively “Independent Managers”) for all or a portion of a Client’s investment portfolio. In such instances, the Client may be required to authorize and enter into an advisory agreement with the Independent Manager[s] that defines the terms in which the Independent Manager[s] will provide investment management and related services. The Advisor may also assist in the development of the initial policy recommendations and managing the ongoing Client relationship. The Advisor will perform initial and ongoing oversight and due diligence over the selected Independent Manager[s] to ensure the Independent Managers’ strategies and target allocations remain aligned with its clients’ investment objectives and overall best interests. The Client, prior to entering into an agreement with unaffiliated investment manager[s] or investment platform[s], will be provided with the Independent Manager's Form ADV 2A (or a brochure that makes the appropriate disclosures). Financial Planning Services Validus Capital will typically provide a variety of financial planning and consulting services to Clients. Services are offered in several areas of a Client’s financial situation, depending on their goals and objectives. Generally, such financial planning services
involve preparing a formal financial plan or rendering a specific financial consultation based on the Client’s financial goals and objectives. This planning or consulting may encompass one or more areas of need, including but not limited to, investment planning, retirement planning (income and expense projection), cashflow analysis, estate planning, insurance analysis, education planning, charitable planning and/or tax planning. A financial plan developed for or financial consultation rendered to the Client will usually include general recommendations for a course of activity or specific actions to be taken by the Client. For example, recommendations may be made that the Client start or revise their investment programs, commence or alter retirement savings, establish education savings and/or charitable giving programs. Validus Capital may also refer Clients to an accountant, attorney, or other specialists, as appropriate for their unique situation. For certain financial planning engagements, the Advisor will provide a written summary of the Client’s financial situation, observations, and recommendations. For project-based or ad-hoc engagements, the Advisor may not provide a written summary. Family Office Services Validus Capital offers a wide range of family office services to high net worth and ultra-high net worth families, including both advisory and non-advisory services. Our services include private equity research and reporting, real estate investment strategies and reporting, tax efficient investment strategies, customized family-level financial reporting, tax planning and tax efficiency counseling, consolidated performance and tax reporting, margin lending solutions, philanthropy and family governance, concierge type services, and bill payment support. Private Funds Validus Capital provides investment supervisory services to investment vehicles (the “Funds”) that are exempt from registration under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) and whose securities are not registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”). All Funds currently managed by Validus Capital are disclosed on its Form ADV 1A, Section 7.B.1. Validus Capital provides investment supervisory services to each Fund in accordance with the limited partnership agreement (or analogous organizational document) of such Fund or separate investment and advisory, investment management or portfolio management agreements (each, an “Advisory Agreement”). Investment advice is provided directly to the Funds, subject to the discretion and control of the applicable general partner, and not individually to the investors in the Funds. Services are provided to the Funds in accordance with the Advisory Agreements with the Funds and/or organizational documents of the applicable Fund. Investment restrictions for the Funds, if any, are generally established in the Limited Partnership Agreement, the organizational or offering documents of the applicable Fund, Advisory Agreements and/or side letter agreements negotiated with investors in the applicable Fund (such documents collectively, a Fund’s “Organizational Documents”). Page 6 In unique cases, Validus may enter into separate agreements, commonly referred to as “side letters”, or other similar agreements with a particular member in connection with admission to a Validus Private Fund without the approval of any other member. These agreements may establish rights or terms that are more favorable to the member than those applicable to other members. These rights or terms may include, but are not limited to:
• Reporting obligations
• Waiver of certain confidentiality obligations
• “Most favored nation” provisions
• Negotiated fees
• Rights or terms requested or necessary in light of particular investment, legal, regulatory or public policy characteristics of a member C. Client Account Management Prior to engaging Validus Capital to provide advisory services, each Client is required to enter into one or more written advisory agreements with the Advisor that define the terms, conditions, authority, and responsibilities of the Advisor and the Client. These services may include:
• Establishing an Investment Strategy – Validus Capital, in connection with the Client, will develop a strategy that seeks to achieve the Client’s goals and objectives.
• Asset Allocation – Validus Capital will develop a strategic asset allocation that is targeted to meet the investment objectives, time horizon, financial situation, and tolerance for risk for each Client or unique client goal.
• Portfolio Construction – Validus Capital will develop a portfolio for the Client that is intended to meet the stated goals and objectives of the Client.
• Wealth Management and Supervision – Validus Capital will provide wealth management and ongoing oversight of the Client’s investment portfolio. D. Wrap Fee Programs Validus Capital does not manage a wrap fee program. E. Assets Under Management As of December 31, 2023, Validus Capital manages $1,610,964,754 in discretionary assets and $21,261,793 in non-discretionary assets. Total assets under management are $1,632,226,548. Clients may request more current information at any time by contacting the Advisor. Page 7