The Firm
Milvus Capital Limited was founded in 2015. In 2017, a joint venture of Hillhouse Capital and
Tencent acquired Milvus Capital Limited and changed the name to GaoTeng Global Asset
Management Limited (“GAOTENG”). GAOTENG is wholly owned by GaoTeng Asset
Management Holdings. GAOTENG is an asset management company invested by Hillhouse
Capital Group and Tencent Holdings Limited. It has a team with extensive domestic and overseas
asset management experience. GaoTeng is awarded as Asian Rising Star by Asia Asset
Management and Asian Supernova of the Year by Insights & Mandate in 2020. The company is
ranked No.1 by The Asset as the Top Investment House in Asian G3 Bonds for 2020 (Hong Kong,
Asset Managers). Headquartered in Hong Kong, GaoTeng is licensed by The Securities and
Futures Commission to conduct Type 1(Dealing in Securities) *, Type 4 (Advising on Securities)
and Type 9 (Asset Management) regulated activities. By leveraging Hillhouse Capital's excellent
investment capability and Tencent's leading Internet technology, the company is committed to
providing high-quality and easily-accessible asset management products and services to investors
around the globe.
*For Type 1 regulated activity, the licensee shall only carry on the business of dealing in collective
investment schemes. The terms “collective investment scheme” and “dealing” are as defined under
the Securities and Futures Ordinance.
Assets under Management
As of December 31, 2023, client regulatory assets under GAOTENG management totaled
approximately US$2.226 billion. The breakdown of discretionary and non-discretionary assets are
as follows:
Discretionary assets US$2.222 billion
Non-discretionary assets US$4 million
As some of our funds invest into our own funds (which may be managed by GAOTENG), the market
value of cross holdings amounted to approximately US$10.5 million and this adjusted regulatory
assets under GAOTENG management totaled approximately US$2.226 billion.
Investment Philosophy
GAOTENG generally employs an investment philosophy of buying securities that appear
underpriced based upon an analysis of the financial statements, management, current health and
competitive advantages of the issuer of the securities when compared to its competitors and
markets. This approach is commonly referred to as “value investing”.
GAOTENG employs a top down macro research and active trading approach, along with quant
models used for market timing. Second, it conducts a valuation analysis. Third, it allocates the
investment and trade size. Fourthly, it applies quant-driven trading and finally checks the portfolio
alignment and monitors for risk.
GAOTENG seeks alpha from theme identification & security selection, while balancing beta from
risk budgeting and portfolio alignment by macro scan for risk budgeting, theme identification for
sector allocation, fundamental and valuation analyses for security selection, allocation strategy and
trade sizing, and check the portfolio alignment and risk monitor.
GAOTENG provides investment management and advisory services for institutional clients and
investors, corporations and Professional Investors (as defined in the Securities and Futures
Ordinance and the Securities and Futures (Professional Investor) Rules) in Asia Pacific,
and the United States. GAOTENG product suite currently includes both equities, fixed income and
alternative investments to Professional Investors. GAOTENG concentrates its investment
expertise regarding securities traded in Asia Pacific, Europe as well as United States.
Advisory Services
GAOTENG serves as a discretionary investment manager, sub-investment manager and/or
investment advisor, focusing in Asia, mainly to:
• privately placed, pooled investment vehicles (“Private Funds”);
• collective investment funds authorized by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures
Commission (“SFC Authorized Funds”); and
• segregated accounts (“Segregated Accounts”).
The disclosures contained in GAOTENG’s Part 2 of Form ADV (the “Brochure”) are
designed solely to provide information about GAOTENG and the investment
management/advisory business it conducts. None of the discussions regarding the SFC
Authorized Funds or Private Funds ( “Funds”) shall constitute a solicitation of an offer to
buy or an offer to sell the securities of the Funds.
Private Funds and SFC Authorized Funds (collectively, the “Funds”)
GAOTENG manages the Funds in accordance with each Fund’s investment objective, strategy and
guidelines. A description of the investment objective, strategy and risk factors of each Fund is set
forth in each Fund’s offering document. For Private Funds, the offering document consists of a
confidential private placement memorandum (“PPM”) and for the SFC Authorized Funds, these
descriptions are contained in the explanatory memorandum (“EM”) or prospectus (“Prospectus”).
The Funds are not tailored to the individual needs of any particular investor and all investors are
cautioned to consider whether a Fund meets their individual investment objectives and risk
tolerance prior to investing.
Segregated Accounts
GAOTENG also provides investment management or advisory services to Segregated Accounts
which are tailored to meet each client’s stated investment objectives, strategies, restrictions or
guidelines. These are all specified in the investment management/advisory contract between
GAOTENG and the client.
Each Segregated Account serviced by GAOTENG may be referred to herein as a “Segregated
Account Client” or “Client” throughout the brochure.
Segregated Account Clients may impose additional investment guidelines and restrictions upon
GAOTENG pursuant to the client agreement with GAOTENG. These can include guidelines
designed to reduce risk e.g. derivatives are used for hedging purpose only, single issuer
concentration limit or sector restrictions. Clients are required to inform GAOTENG in writing of
these guidelines and restrictions, and these are then coded in Bloomberg AIM to ensure investment
Side Letter Arrangements
GAOTENG or its associates or its Funds may enter into side letter arrangements with investors
granting an investor preferred economic and other terms as compared to other shareholders. These
may include, but are not limited to, rebates of fees and/or charges payable to GAOTENG and the
reservation of capacity in the Funds. GAOTENG may agree to consult with or obtain prior
approval from particular investors before taking certain actions with respect to the Funds.