{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

4 100.00%

of those in investment advisory functions:

4 100.00%


SEC, Approved, 9/22/2021


536,685,795 10.13%

of that, discretionary:

108,978,007 100.00%

Private Fund GAV:

108,978,007 312.80%

Avg Account Size:

3,806,282 -39.08%

% High Net Worth:

15.79% -44.74%



Private Funds:

7 6

Contact Info

817 xxxxxxx

Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

700M 600M 500M 400M 300M 200M 100M
2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 7 $108,978,007

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


DESCRIPTION OF THE ADVISORY FIRM Double Eagle Family Offices, LLC (“DEFO” or “the Firm”) is a registered investment advisor based in Fort Worth, Texas. We are a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Texas. DEFO was approved for registration with the SEC in September 2021. Caprock Legacy Trust is the principal owner of the Firm. DEFO maintains a service provider agreement with Double Eagle Natural Resources to provide all operational services to the Firm. TYPES OF ADVISORY SERVICES Family Office Services DEFO provides Family office services to High-Net-Worth clients. These services are designed to help families coordinate their multiple forms of capital using a strategic and collaborative approach. Our family office services vary by family and occasionally within families but may include the following:
• Portfolio Management Services – Includes development of asset allocation, ongoing portfolio management, and review, including selection and evaluation of investment managers. Further, we may provide customized performance reporting at the portfolio level and at the manager or specific investment level. Additional information about our portfolio management services is provided in the portfolio management services section below.
• Information Management and Coordination – We organize key information and coordinate such information with the family, the family’s accountant, attorney, insurance agents, and other key advisors.
• Estate, Gift & Trust Planning – We provide explanations, summaries, and illustrations of existing and proposed estate planning documents and strategies, including recommendations and education on additional strategies, considerations for making updates periodically, and further coordination with the family’s tax and legal advisor(s) to implement agreed upon strategies or updates.
• Income Tax Planning – Includes planning for the minimization of tax liabilities, including asset location, tax loss harvesting and gain minimization planning, charitable asset selection, and coordination with the family’s tax advisor(s).
• Philanthropic Planning – Includes defining philanthropic goals, education on philanthropic vehicles and strategies for maximizing the benefits of philanthropy across the family and the organizations they choose to benefit.
• Education – Includes both individual and group-based learning sessions around various planning, tax, investment, and other topics with an intention of growing not only the family’s financial capital, but non- financial capital as well. These topics, while commonly focused on younger generations, are generally available across all generations.
• Consolidated Reporting Services – Allows the family to customize how their assets are reported by offering a view across multiple accounts or entities in a single statement and/or to segregate assets within accounts. This service may include assets not managed directly by DEFO. This enables the family and their advisors to understand and monitor the total family balance sheet and provide comprehensive and integrated advice from a vantage point inclusive of the family’s entire wealth landscape. This may require an additional fee depending on the nature and complexity of the non-managed assets being reported on. Any additional fees will be mutually agreed to in advance.
• Asset Protection Planning and Review – Includes review and discussion of strategies that may avoid or minimize a portion of a family’s balance sheet at risk. These strategies
will be evaluated on the benefits they may provide against the degree and likelihood of loss and the complexity and administration they may require to achieve such protections.
• Liability Risk Management Planning and Review – Includes advice on a combination of mitigation strategies, including the use of special purpose entities, trusts, and/or various insurance tools. We will review the family’s assets and liabilities to determine location, titling, and ownership structure. We will review existing or proposed policies, and after receiving your permission, we may facilitate reviews with unaffiliated third- party professionals.
• Estate Tax Liquidity Planning and Review – Includes determination of estate tax liquidity needs and determination of potential liquidity sources including asset liquidations and life insurance. We will review existing or proposed policies and, after receiving your permission, we may facilitate reviews with unaffiliated third-party professionals. The advice we propose is designed to achieve the client’s desired goals, which may require revision to meet changing circumstances. Our recommendations are based on our client’s situation from the information provided to the firm. Families may choose to accept or reject our recommendations. We should be notified promptly of any change to a client’s situation, goals, objectives, or needs. Private Fund Advisory Services DEFO serves as an Advisor to its Private Funds (“Funds”). DEFO is responsible for investing and re-investing the assets of its Funds in securities, financial instruments, and/or other assets in accordance with the investment objectives, policies, and guidelines set forth in its applicable governing documents. The governing agreements between DEFO and our affiliated private funds do not contain any significant limitations on the types of investments we may make. We, in our sole discretion, employ such investment and trading strategies and methods as we determine to adopt. Each prospective private fund investor will be required to complete a Subscription Agreement or similar application, pursuant to which the Client shall establish that he/she is qualified for investment in the fund and acknowledges and accepts the various risk factors that are associated with such an investment. Please see Item 8 for more information on the risks associated with this type of investment. CLIENT-TAILORED SERVICES AND CLIENT-IMPOSED RESTRICTIONS Family Office Services For Family Office Services clients who receive Portfolio Management, those clients’ financial needs, investment goals, tolerance for risk, and investment objectives are documented in DEFO’s Client files. Investment strategies are created that reflect the stated goals and objectives. Clients may impose restrictions on investing in certain securities or types of securities. Private Fund Advisory Services DEFO advises Private Funds clients where DEFO, or an affiliated entity, serves as a General Partner to the Fund. The Firm does not provide customized investment advisory services to individual limited partners of the underlying Funds. Limited partners generally are not permitted to impose restrictions on investments in certain securities or types of securities. WRAP FEE PROGRAMS DEFO does not participate in a Wrap Program. AMOUNTS UNDER MANAGEMENT As of December 31, 2023, DEFO had approximately $536,685,795 of assets under management. Of that, $108,978,007 were managed on a discretionary basis, and $427,707,788 were managed on a non-discretionary basis.