BELZBERG & CO. other names

{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

15 15.38%

of those in investment advisory functions:

11 22.22%


SEC, Approved, 8/20/2021


1,475,805,807 22.34%

of that, discretionary:

707,305,807 42.96%

Private Fund GAV:

707,305,807 8.06%

Avg Account Size:

22,026,952 -10.53%

% High Net Worth:

47.76% 23.17%



Private Funds:

35 5

Contact Info

212 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

712M 610M 508M 407M 305M 203M 102M
2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 35 $707,305,807

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ZUCKERMAN INVESTMENT GROUP - - 9.8m - - - - 9.8m 1.5b 1
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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


Belzberg Investments LLC, doing business as Belzberg & Co. (“Belzberg & Co.”), a Delaware limited liability company and a registered investment adviser with a principal place of business in New York, provides investment advisory services to: (i) investors such as high net worth and ultra-high net worth individuals and families (“Belzberg Clients”); and (ii) investment funds (each, a “Fund,” and together with any future private investment fund to which Belzberg & Co., or its affiliates provide investment advisory services, the “Funds”) privately offered to qualified investors (each a “Limited Partner” and, collectively, the “Limited Partners”). Additionally, an affiliate of Belzberg & Co., Everberg Capital, LLC (“Everberg”), a Delaware limited liability company and relying adviser of Belzberg & Co., provides investment advisory services to Funds. For purposes of the Advisers Act, the Belzberg Clients and Funds are Belzberg & Co.’s and Everberg’s advisory clients (collectively, the “Advisory Clients”). Belzberg & Co. was established in 2021 by senior executives of Bel-Fran Capital Inc., a Colorado corporation and legacy family office. Everberg was established in 2019 by Scott Siegel in partnership with Bel-Fran Capital Inc. Both Belzberg & Co. and Everberg are indirectly beneficially owned by Bel-Fran Capital Inc., an independently managed and functionally separate firm providing certain administrative services to the Belzberg family. Additionally, Bel-Fran Capital Inc. is an Advisory Client of Belzberg & Co. Certain affiliates of Belzberg & Co. and Everberg serve as the general partner, or equivalent, of each Fund (collectively the “General Partner” and, together with Belzberg & Co. and Everberg, the “Adviser”). Each of Everberg and the General Partner are subject to the Advisers Act pursuant to Belzberg & Co.’s registration in accordance with SEC guidance. This Brochure also describes the business practices of the General Partner. The Adviser’s investment advisory services to its Advisory Clients consist of identifying and evaluating investment opportunities, negotiating the terms of investments, managing and monitoring investments, and achieving dispositions for such investments. The Belzberg Clients invest in both public and private investments including equity, debt, and alternative investments, and the Funds, which are private equity and private credit funds, invest primarily in private equity and debt securities
in portfolio companies. Advisory Client investments are made across multiple industries, including real estate, energy, infrastructure, technology, business services, healthcare, consumer, industrial, and other corporate sectors. The Adviser’s advisory services to Belzberg Clients are detailed in each such client’s investment advisory and management agreement (each, an “Advisory Agreement”), which are tailored to the individual needs of each Belzberg Client and may impose restrictions on investing in certain types of securities or other financial instruments. The Adviser’s advisory services to the Funds are detailed in the applicable private placement memoranda or other offering documents (each, a “Memorandum”) and limited partnership or other operating agreements or governing documents (each, a “Partnership Agreement”) and are further described below under “METHODS OF ANALYSIS, INVESTMENT STRATEGIES AND RISK OF LOSS.” Limited Partners participate in the overall investment program for the applicable Fund and, though advisory services are not tailored to the individual needs of Limited Partners, Limited Partners may be excused from a particular investment due to legal, regulatory, or other agreed-upon circumstances pursuant to the relevant Partnership Agreement. The Funds or the General Partner have entered into side letters or other similar agreements (“Side Letters”) with certain Limited Partners that have the effect of establishing rights (including economic or other terms) under, or altering or supplementing the terms of, the relevant Partnership Agreement with respect to such investors. Additionally, from time to time and as permitted by the relevant Partnership Agreement, the Adviser expects to provide (or agrees to provide) co-investment opportunities (including the opportunity to participate in co-investment vehicles) to certain Limited Partners or other persons, including other sponsors, market participants, finders, consultants and other service providers, Adviser personnel and/or certain other persons associated with Adviser. Such co-investments typically involve investment and disposal of interests at the same time and on the same terms as the Fund making the investment. The Adviser does not participate in a wrap fee program. As of December 31, 2023, the Adviser managed approximately $1,475,805,807 in Advisory Client regulatory assets under management, $707,305,807 of which is managed on a discretionary basis.