{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:


of those in investment advisory functions:



SEC, Approved, 7/23/2020

Other registrations (1)
Former registrations



108,453,488 -29.32%

of that, discretionary:

108,453,488 -29.32%

Private Fund GAV:

108,453,488 -29.32%

Avg Account Size:

27,113,372 -29.32%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

212 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

218M 186M 155M 124M 93M 62M 31M
2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Tampa Community Changes Hands for $97M

The asset generated a lot of interest and Gamma Real Estate acquired it for $96.5 million. The sale was subject to a $61.4 million loan, held by Fannie Mae. At the time of the transaction ...

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 1 $102,603,416
Real Estate Fund 1 $5,850,072

Similar advisers

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PRESCOTT ADVISORS, LLC - - 73.7m 160.4m - - - 234.1m 234.1m 4
CITIGROUP ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS LLC - - 177.4m 23.1m - - - 200.5m 312.0m 8
SWBC INVESTMENT COMPANY - - 3.0m 123.6m - - - 126.6m 345.8m 2
GREENWOOD GEARHART INC. - - 3.1m 1.5m - - - 4.6m 1.1b 2
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LEE FINANCIAL COMPANY, LLC 12.4m - 543.3k 766.3k - - - 13.7m 1.3b 12

Private Funds


Brochure Summary


A. Firm Description Gamma is a Delaware corporation that was formed in December 2014, with its only office located in New York, NY. Gamma’s principal owners are N. Richard Kalikow and Jonathan Gilbert Kalikow. B. Types of Advisory Services The Firm provides discretionary investment advisory services to private pooled investment vehicles (each a “Fund” and, collectively, the “Funds”). Although the Firm may recommend investing in any security or industry sector in the market in order to meet the investment objectives of its Funds, Gamma focuses on real estate and real estate-related investments. Interests in the Funds are generally offered to qualified investors through private offerings. Gamma is affiliated with entities that serve as general partners to each of the Funds (each, a “General Partner” and, collectively, the “General Partners”). The advisory services of Gamma and each of the General Partners, as affiliated investment advisors, are described in this Brochure. Each General Partner is deemed to be registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the “Advisers Act”) pursuant to Gamma’s registration in accordance with SEC guidance. The investment advisory services provided by Gamma shall also apply in respect of the General Partners. The investment advice provided by the Firm to the Funds is generally to make opportunistic investments in real estate, with such real estate investments primarily
in the United States. The Firm strives to directly or indirectly acquire, develop, manage and invest real property through (i) direct investment; (ii) mortgage financing, second lien, mezzanine financing or other unsecured financing; (iii) co-investment structures including and participation interest, syndication interest or joint-venture interest; and (iv) other securities or any other investment structure. Gamma implements substantially a similar strategy for all of its Funds, Gamma may, from time to time, tailor its advisory services to the individual needs of a particular Fund, as necessary. Investment advice is provided directly to each Fund itself and not to the individual investors in the Funds. In accordance with common industry practice, a Fund or its general partner may from time to time enter into a “side letter” or similar agreement with an investor pursuant to which the Fund or its general partner grants the investor specific rights, benefits or privileges that are not generally made available to all investors. See “Item 8 – Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss” below for more details. C. Wrap Fee Programs Gamma neither sponsors nor manages a wrap fee program. D. Assets Under Management (“AUM”) As of December 31, 2023, Gamma managed approximately $108,453,488 (US) in regulatory assets under Management on a discretionary basis. Gamma does not manage any assets on a non-discretionary basis.