Sierra Global Management, L.L.C. (“Sierra”) is an investment adviser registered with the SEC with its
principal place of business in New York City, New York. Sierra commenced operations as an investment
adviser on October 1, 1996 but de-registered with the SEC in January of 2017. Sierra filed its final
exempt reporting adviser (“ERA”) Form ADV, and submitted its initial Form ADV to, become a
registered investment adviser (“RIA”) again in March 2020. Charles F. Michaels owns 100% of Sierra.
Sierra provides discretionary investment advice to its clients, which include pooled investment vehicles
intended for sophisticated investors. Sierra also provides sub-advisory services to pooled investment
vehicles. The sub-advisory services carry out the same investment strategies as Sierra’s sponsored pooled
investment vehicles (the “Sub-advised Fund”).
Sierra could provide investment advice to clients, and clients may request and impose, if agreed upon by
Sierra, various investment restrictions and limitations. Sierra does not provide individualized advice to
investors within funds managed by Sierra (the “Funds”). Collectively, with the Sub-advised Fund, the
Funds are referred to as the “Clients”. As of December 31, 2022, Sierra had approximately $145,368,454
in regulatory assets under management, all of which are on a discretionary basis.
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