KLH CAPITAL other names

{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

19 35.71%

of those in investment advisory functions:

9 -10.00%


SEC, Approved, 6/28/2019


734,002,535 23.70%

of that, discretionary:

734,002,535 23.70%

Private Fund GAV:

298,735,807 56.56%

Avg Account Size:

244,667,512 64.94%



Private Funds:

3 1

Contact Info

813 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

593M 509M 424M 339M 254M 170M 85M
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 3 $298,735,807

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


KLH is a private equity firm that provides investment advisory services to privately offered pooled investment vehicles (and certain co-investment vehicles and alternative investment vehicles thereof). KLH seeks to make value-oriented investments in lower middle-market companies with an emphasis on specialty services, value-added distribution industries and niche manufacturing. KLH makes majority and minority equity investments in companies through (i) management buyouts, (ii) family restructuring, (iii) recapitalizations, (iv) minority recapitalizations, and (v) corporate divestitures. The principals of KLH are James B. Darnell, William L. Dowden III, and Kyle P. Madden. KLH was founded in 2004. KLH serves as an investment adviser to KLH Capital Fund III, L.P., KLH Capital Fund IV, L.P. and KLH Capital Fund V, L.P. (and certain feeder funds and alternative investment vehicles thereof), (each, a “Fund” and collectively, together with any future private investment funds to which KLH and/or its affiliates provide investment advisory services, the “Funds”). Fund IV and Fund V are collectively referred to as the “SEC Funds” (each an “SEC Fund” and collectively, the “SEC Funds”). KLH Capital Fund III, L.P. is currently licensed as a small business investment company by the United States Small Business Administration (“SBA”). The Fund uses private capital and leverage from the SBA to make investments in companies. In the future, KLH and its affiliates may, and may permit certain related persons, to form one or more partnerships or other entities to invest side-by-side with the Funds, or form one or more partnerships or other entities to invest with the same or substantially similar criteria and objectives of the Funds. KLH and its affiliates may also form one or more partnerships, joint ventures or other entities or arrangements to facilitate investment by certain investors (a “Co-investment Opportunity”). A Co-investment Opportunity typically will be offered to some limited partners and not other limited partners in a Fund, and may be offered to other persons who are not limited partners in any Fund. Decisions regarding whether and to whom to offer co-investment opportunities may be made by KLH and/or its affiliates in accordance with a Fund’s applicable private placement memorandum or term sheet, limited partnership agreement and investment management agreement (collectively, the “Governing Documents”). Such co-investments typically involve investment and disposal of interests
in the applicable Portfolio Company (as defined herein) at substantially the same time and on substantially the same terms as the Fund making the investment. However, for strategic and other reasons, a co-investor or co-invest vehicle (including a co-investing Fund) purchases a portion of an investment from one or more Funds after such Funds have consummated their investment in the Portfolio Company (also known as a post-closing sell-down or transfer), which generally will have been funded through Fund investor capital contributions and/or use of a Fund credit facility. Any such purchase from a Fund by a co-investor or co-invest vehicle generally occurs shortly after the Fund’s completion of the investment to avoid any changes in valuation of the investment, but in certain instances could be well after the Fund’s initial purchase. Where appropriate, and in KLH’s sole discretion, KLH reserves the right to charge interest on the purchase to the co-investor or co-invest vehicle (or otherwise equitably to adjust the purchase price under certain conditions), and to seek reimbursement to the relevant Fund for related costs. However, to the extent any such amounts are not so charged or reimbursed (including charges or reimbursements required pursuant to applicable law), they generally will be borne by the relevant Fund. KLH has the general authority to recommend investments to the Funds, subject to the limitations set forth in the relevant Governing Documents. However, the management and the conduct of the activities of each Fund remain the ultimate responsibility of each Fund’s general partner. The investment advice provided by KLH and its affiliates to the Funds is tailored to meet the individual investment objectives and restrictions of each Fund, as set forth in the relevant Governing Documents. Investors in the Funds (generally referred to herein as “investors,” “limited partners” or “partners”) participate in the overall investment program for the applicable Fund, but in certain circumstances are excused from a particular investment due to legal, regulatory or other agreed- upon circumstances pursuant to the Governing Documents; for the avoidance of doubt, such arrangements generally do not and will not create an adviser-client relationship between KLH and any investor. Investments made by the Funds are referred to herein collectively as “Portfolio Companies” and individually as a “Portfolio Company.” As of December 31, 2023, KLH has $734,002,335 of regulatory assets under management.