{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

7 40.00%

of those in investment advisory functions:

5 25.00%


SEC, Approved, 2/22/2019


1,939,829,228 11.97%

of that, discretionary:

1,641,782,542 17.54%

Private Fund GAV:

4,570,038 0.02%

Avg Account Size:

13,378,133 59.08%

% High Net Worth:

85.71% -14.29%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

415 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

5B 5B 4B 3B 2B 2B 778M
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Other Private Fund 1 $4,570,038

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Stock Ticker Stock Name $ Position % Position $ Change # Change
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46090E103 Invesco QQQ Trust ETF $23,726,862 6.00% 9.00% 1.00%
78462F103 SPDR S&P 500 ETF $18,142,344 5.00% 10.00% 6.00%
771049103 Roblox Corp Class A $9,875,571 3.00% -3.00% 0.00%
464287804 iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF $6,295,132 2.00% 0.00% 4.00%
464287465 iShares MSCI EAFE ETF $7,249,710 2.00% 0.00% 2.00%
921910816 Vanguard Mega Cap Growth ETF $7,859,034 2.00% 10.00% 0.00%
921910840 Vanguard Mega Cap Value ETF $4,597,932 1.00% 0.00% 0.00%
921943858 Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF $5,206,757 1.00% 3.00% 5.00%

Brochure Summary


Description of Firm Resolute Advisors LLC d/b/a Resolute Partners Group (RPG) is a registered investment adviser located in San Francisco, California. We are organized as a limited liability company ("LLC") under the laws of the State of Delaware. We have been providing investment advisory services since 2019. We are owned by RPG HoldCo LLC. RPG believes its clients are the foundation of its business and RPG has a fiduciary responsibility to put the clients’ best interests ahead of its own. We are resolute in our steadfast commitment to partnering with clients to provide honest, excellent, conflict-free client service. The following paragraphs describe our services and fees. Refer to the description of each investment advisory service listed below for information on how we specifically tailor our advisory services to each client's needs. As used in this brochure, the words "we", "Advisor", "our", "it" and "us" refer to Resolute Partners Group and the words "you," "your," and "client" refer to you as either a client or prospective client of our firm. Portfolio Management Services RPG provides discretionary portfolio management services, comprehensive and conflict-free wealth management advice to high-net-worth individuals, families and their affiliated entities on a fee basis as discussed at Item 5 below. RPG's investment advice specifically is tailored to meet its clients' needs and investment objectives. Before engaging RPG to provide investment advisory services, clients are required to enter into an Investment Advisory Agreement with RPG setting forth the terms and conditions of the engagement (including termination), describing the scope of the services to be provided, and the fee that is due from the client. To commence the investment advisory process, RPG will ascertain each client’s investment objective(s) and then allocate the client’s assets consistent with the client’s designated investment objective(s). Once allocated, RPG provides ongoing supervision of the account(s). RPG, in intimate partnership with its clients, creates a comprehensive plan for each engagement. We seek to understand each Client’s goals, risk-tolerance, resources, and investment time horizon. Our services include developing an appropriate and customized strategic asset allocation based on the Client’s investment objectives, implementing, and monitoring this allocation, and financial planning. Our holistic approach incorporates non-investment issues including insurance, taxes, trusts and estates, philanthropy, family education, concentrated wealth, etcetera. In these areas, we help manage and coordinate interactions with trusted specialists who supplement our advice. RPG helps ensure its Clients’ financial decisions are well integrated with their lifestyle choices, investment portfolios, and financial plan. RPG’s investment portfolios are primarily comprised of no load, institutional-class mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”), investment-grade fixed income, individual equities, and private investment funds. RPG does not engage in subjective forecasting of financial markets. Client portfolios are designed for the long-term investor who believes capital markets will deliver fair and competitive returns over time. If a client participates in RPG's discretionary portfolio management services, we require you to grant us discretionary authority to manage your account. Subject to a grant of discretionary authorization, RPG has the authority and responsibility to formulate investment strategies on client's behalf. Discretionary authorization allows RPG to determine the specific securities, and the number of securities, to be purchased or sold for a client account without obtaining client approval prior to each transaction. RPG will also recommend the broker or dealer to be used for securities transactions in client accounts. Discretionary authority is granted by the investment advisory agreement clients sign with RPG. Clients may limit RPG's discretionary authority (for example, limiting the types of securities that can be purchased or sold in an account) by providing RPG with restrictions and guidelines in writing. RPG may also offer non-discretionary portfolio management services. Please Note: Non- Discretionary Service Limitations. Clients that determine to engage RPG on a non- discretionary investment advisory basis must be willing to accept that RPG cannot complete any account transactions without obtaining prior consent to any such transaction(s) from the client. Thus, in the event that RPG would like to make a transaction for a client’s account, and client is unavailable, RPG will be unable to complete the account transaction (as it would for its discretionary clients) without first obtaining the client’s consent. Clients have an unrestricted right to decline to implement any advice provided by RPG on a non-discretionary basis. As part of RPG's investment strategy, we may use one or more sub-advisers to manage a portion of client accounts on a discretionary basis. In such situations, the sub-adviser(s) shall have day- to-day responsibility for the active discretionary management of the allocated assets and may use one or more of their model portfolios to manage your account. RPG shall continue to render investment supervisory services to the client relative to the ongoing monitoring and review of account performance, asset allocation and client investment objectives. Factors that RPG shall consider in recommending sub-adviser(s) include the client’s designated investment objective(s), management style, performance, reputation, financial strength, reporting, pricing, and research. RPG may hire and fire any sub-adviser without prior client approval. We may pay a portion of our advisory fee to the sub-adviser(s) we use; however, you will not pay our firm a higher advisory fee as a result of any sub-advisory relationships. As part of our portfolio management services, in addition to other types of investments (see disclosures below in this section), we may invest your assets according to one or more model portfolios developed by RPG. These models are designed for investors with varying degrees of risk tolerance ranging from a more aggressive investment strategy to a more conservative investment approach. Clients whose assets are invested in model portfolios may not set restrictions on the specific holdings or allocations within the model, nor the types of securities that can be purchased in the model. Nonetheless, clients may impose restrictions on investing in certain securities or types of securities in their account. In such cases, this may prevent a client from investing in certain models that are managed by RPG. Financial Consulting Services To the extent requested and engaged by the client to do so, RPG offers financial consulting services that primarily involve advising clients on specific financial-related topics per the terms and conditions of a separate agreement and a separate fee as discussed at Item 5 below, the fee for which shall generally be based upon the individual providing the service and the scope of the services to be provided. RPG’s consulting services may include, but are not limited to, risk assessment/management, investment planning, financial organization and reporting, or financial decision making/negotiation. Prior to engaging RPG to provide consulting services, clients are generally required to enter into a Financial Consulting Agreement with RPG setting forth the terms and conditions of the engagement (including termination), describing the scope of the services to be provided, and the portion of the fee that is due from the client. Please Note. RPG believes that it is important for the client to address financial planning issues on an ongoing basis. Please Also Note: RPG does not serve as an attorney, accountant, or insurance agent, and no portion of our services should be construed as same. Accordingly, RPG does not prepare legal documents, prepare tax returns, or sell insurance products. To the extent requested by a client, we may recommend the services of other professionals for non-investment implementation purpose (i.e. attorneys, accountants, insurance, etc.). The client is not under any obligation to engage any such professional(s). The client retains absolute discretion over all such implementation decisions and is free to accept or reject any recommendation from RPG and/or its representatives. If the client engages any professional (i.e. attorney, accountant, insurance agent, etc.), recommended or otherwise, and a dispute arises thereafter relative to such engagement, the client agrees to seek recourse exclusively from the engaged professional. At all times, the engaged licensed professional[s] (i.e. attorney, accountant, insurance agent, etc.), and not RPG, shall be responsible for the quality and competency of the services provided. Selection of Other Advisers The Advisor may recommend that a client utilize one or more unaffiliated, third-party money managers ("TPMMs") or investment platforms for all or a portion of a client's investment portfolio. After gathering information about a Client's financial situation and objectives, RPG may recommend a specific TPMM or investment program. Factors that the Advisor takes into consideration when making its recommendation(s) include, but are not limited to, the following: the TPMM's performance, methods of analysis, fees, client financial needs, investment goals, risk tolerance, and investment objectives. RPG will monitor the TPMM(s)' performance to ensure its management and investment style remains aligned with Client investment goals and objectives. The TPMM(s) will actively manage client portfolios and will assume discretionary investment authority over the specific investment accounts. RPG will assume discretionary authority to hire and fire TPMM(s) and/or reallocate client assets to other TPMM(s) where it deems such action appropriate. Please Note. The investment management fee charged by the TPMM is separate from, and in addition to, RPG’s investment advisory fee disclosed at Item 5 below. ANY QUESTIONS: RPG’Ss Chief Compliance Officer, Kevin Lutz, remains available to address any questions that a client or prospective client may have regarding the allocation of account assets to an TPMM including the specific additional fee to be charged by such TPMM. Use of Mutual and Exchange Traded Funds: RPG utilizes mutual funds and exchange traded funds for its client portfolios. In addition to RPG’s investment advisory fee described below, and transaction and/or custodial fees discussed below, clients will also incur, relative to all mutual fund and exchange traded fund purchases, charges imposed at the fund level (e.g. management fees and other fund expenses). Custodian Charges-Additional Fees. As discussed below at Items 5 and 12 below, when requested to recommend a broker-dealer/custodian for client accounts, RPG generally recommends certain custodians/broker-dealers for client investment management assets. Certain broker-dealers charge brokerage commissions, transaction, and/or other type fees for effecting certain types of securities transactions (i.e., including transaction fees for certain mutual funds, and mark-ups and mark-downs charged for fixed income transactions, etc.). The types of securities for which transaction fees, commissions, and/or other type fees (as well as the amount of those fees) shall differ depending upon the broker-dealer/custodian (while certain custodians do not currently charge fees on individual equity transactions [including ETFs], others do). Although RPG is not a frequent trader, its primary investment vehicles for client accounts are ETFs. Please Note: there can be no assurance that its recommended custodians/broker-dealers will not change their transaction fee pricing in the future). Please Also Note: the broker- dealer/custodian may also assess fees to clients who elect to receive trade confirmations and account statements by regular mail rather than electronically. Tradeaways: When beneficial to the client, equity transactions may be effected through broker‐dealers with whom RPG and/or the client have entered into arrangements for prime brokerage clearing services, including effecting certain client transactions through other SEC registered and FINRA member broker‐dealers (in which event, the client generally will incur both the transaction fee charged by the executing broker‐dealer and a “trade-away” fee charged by the broker-dealer/).These fees/charges are in addition to RPG’s investment advisory fee at Item 5 below. RPG does not receive any portion of these fees/charges. ANY QUESTIONS: RPG’s Chief Compliance Officer, Kevin Lutz, remains available to address any questions that a client or prospective client may have regarding the above, including the transaction fee differential among its recommended custodians/broker-dealers. Socially Responsible Investing Limitations. Socially Responsible Investing involves the incorporation of Environmental,
Social and Governance considerations into the investment due diligence process (“ESG). ESG investing incorporates a set of criteria/factors used in evaluating potential investments: Environmental (i.e., considers how a company safeguards the environment); Social (i.e., the manner in which a company manages relationships with its employees, customers, and the communities in which it operates); and Governance (i.e., company management considerations). The number of companies that maintain an acceptable ESG mandate can be limited when compared to those that do not, and could underperform broad market indices. Investors must accept these limitations, including potential for underperformance. Correspondingly, the number of ESG mutual funds and exchange traded funds are limited when compared to those that do not maintain such a mandate. As with any type of investment (including any investment and/or investment strategies recommended and/or undertaken by RPG), there can be no assurance that investment in ESG securities or funds will be profitable or prove successful. RPG does not maintain or advocate an ESG investment strategy, but will seek to employ ESG if directed by a client to do so. Cryptocurrency: For clients who want exposure to cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, RPG will advise the client to consider a potential investment in corresponding exchange traded securities, or an allocation to separate account managers and/or private funds that provide cryptocurrency exposure. Crypto is a digital currency that can be used to buy goods and services but uses an online ledger with strong cryptography (i.e., a method of protecting information and communications with codes) to secure online transactions. Unlike conventional currencies issued by a monetary authority, cryptocurrencies are generally not controlled or regulated and their price is determined by the supply and demand of their market. Because cryptocurrency is currently considered to be a speculative investment, RPG will not exercise discretionary authority to purchase a cryptocurrency investment for client accounts. Rather, a client must expressly authorize the purchase of the cryptocurrency investment. Please Note: RPG does not recommend or advocate the purchase of, or investment in, cryptocurrencies. RPG considers such an investment to be speculative. Please Also Note: Clients who authorize the purchase of a cryptocurrency investment must be prepared for the potential for liquidity constraints, extreme price volatility and complete loss of principal. Affiliated Private Funds. RPG and/or its owners are affiliated with RPG Animoca Ventures, LP Fund, a private investment fund (the “Fund”), the complete description of which (the terms, conditions, risks, conflicts and fees, including incentive compensation) is set forth in the Fund’s offering documents. RPG, on a non-discretionary basis, may recommend that qualified clients consider allocating a portion of their investment assets to the Fund. If a client determines to become a Fund investor, unless indicated to the contrary, in writing, by RPG, the amount of assets invested in the fund(s) shall be included as part of “assets under management” for purposes of RPG calculating its investment advisory fee per Item 5 below. RPG’s fee shall be in addition to the Fund’s fees. RPG’s clients are under absolutely no obligation to consider or make an investment in a private investment fund(s). RPG and/or its owners are affiliated with Ventures, LP, a private investment fund (the “Fund”), the complete description of which (the terms, conditions, risks, conflicts and fees, including incentive compensation) is set forth in the Fund’s offering documents. RPG, on a non- discretionary basis, may recommend that qualified clients consider allocating a portion of their investment assets to the Fund. If a client determines to become a Fund investor, unless indicated to the contrary, in writing, by RPG, the amount of assets invested in the fund(s) shall not be included as part of “assets under management” for purposes of RPG calculating its investment advisory fee per Item 5 below. RPG’s fee shall be in addition to the Fund’s fees. RPG’s clients are under absolutely no obligation to consider or make an investment in a private investment fund(s). Please Note: Private investment funds generally involve various risk factors, including, but not limited to, potential for complete loss of principal, liquidity constraints and lack of transparency, a complete discussion of which is set forth in each fund’s offering documents, which will be provided to each client for review and consideration. Unlike liquid investments that a client may own, private investment funds do not provide daily liquidity or pricing. Each prospective client investor will be required to complete a Subscription Agreement, pursuant to which the client shall establish that he/she is qualified for investment in the fund and acknowledges and accepts the various risk factors that are associated with such an investment. Please Also Note: Conflict Of Interest. Because RPG and/or its affiliates can earn compensation from the Fund (i.e., management fees, incentive compensation, etc.) that could generally exceed the fee that RPG would earn under its standard asset-based fee schedule referenced in Item 5 below, the recommendation that a client become a Fund investor presents a conflict of interest. No client is under any obligation to become a Fund investor. Given the conflict of interest, RPG advises that clients consider seeking advice from independent professionals (i.e., attorney, accountant, adviser, etc.) of their choosing prior to becoming a Fund investor. No client is under absolutely any obligation to become a Fund investor. ANY QUESTIONS: RPG’s Chief Compliance Officer remains available to address any questions regarding this conflict of interest. Reporting Services. RPG can also provide account reporting services, which can incorporate client investment assets that are not part of the assets that RPG manages (the “Excluded Assets”). Unless agreed to otherwise, in writing, the client and/or his/her/its other advisors that maintain trading authority, and not RPG, shall be exclusively responsible for the investment performance of the Excluded Assets. Unless also agreed to otherwise, in writing, RPG does not provide investment management, monitoring or implementation services for the Excluded Assets. If RPG is asked to make a recommendation as to any Excluded Assets, the client is under absolutely no obligation to accept the recommendation, and RPG shall not be responsible for any implementation error (timing, trading, etc.) relative to the Excluded Assets. The client can engage RPG to provide investment management services for the Excluded Assets pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Investment Advisory Agreement between RPG and the client. Types of Investments RPG believes in diversified, generally liquid client portfolios. As such, we primarily offer advice on liquid, market-based securities like exchange traded funds ("ETFs"), mutual fund shares and individual equities, options, or municipal securities managed via third-party managers. Additionally, we may advise you on various types of investments based on your stated goals and objectives. RPG may also provide advice on any type of investment held in client portfolios at the inception of the advisory relationship. This may include illiquid, partnership-type investments. Please Note: Cash Positions. RPG continues to treat cash as an asset class. As such, unless determined to the contrary by RPG, all cash positions (money markets, etc.) shall continue to be included as part of assets under management for purposes of calculating RPG’s advisory fee. At any specific point in time, depending upon perceived or anticipated market conditions/events (there being no guarantee that such anticipated market conditions/events will occur), RPG may maintain cash positions for defensive purposes. In addition, while assets are maintained in cash, such amounts could miss market advances. Depending upon current yields, at any point in time, RPG;s advisory fee could exceed the interest paid by the client’s money market fund. ANY QUESTIONS: RPG’s Chief Compliance Officer, Kevin Lutz, remains available to address any questions that a client or prospective may have regarding the above fee billing practice. Cash Sweep Accounts. Account custodians generally require that cash proceeds from account transactions or cash deposits be swept into and/or initially maintained in the custodian’s sweep account. The yield on the sweep account is generally lower than those available in money market accounts. To help mitigate this issue, RPG shall generally purchase a higher yielding money market fund available on the custodian’s platform with cash proceeds or deposits, unless RPG reasonably anticipates that it will utilize the cash proceeds during the subsequent 30-day period to purchase additional investments for the client’s account. Exceptions and/or modifications can and will occur with respect to all or a portion of the cash balances for various reasons, including, but not limited to, the amount of dispersion between the sweep account and a money market fund, an indication from the client of an imminent need for such cash, or the client has a demonstrated history of writing checks from the account. ANY QUESTIONS: RPG’s Chief Compliance Officer, Kevin Lutz, remains available to address any questions that a client or prospective client may have regarding the above. Portfolio Activity. RPG has a fiduciary duty to provide services consistent with the client’s best interest. RPG will review client portfolios on an ongoing basis to determine if any changes are necessary based upon various factors, including, but not limited to, investment performance, market conditions, fund manager tenure, style drift, account additions/withdrawals, and/or a change in the client’s investment objective. Based upon these factors, there may be extended periods of time when RPG determines that changes to a client’s portfolio are unnecessary. Clients remain subject to the fees described in Item 5 below during periods of portfolio inactivity. Of course, as indicated below, there can be no assurance that investment decisions made by RPG will be profitable or equal any specific performance level(s). Client Obligations. In performing our services, RPG shall not be required to verify any information received from the client or from the client’s other professionals and is expressly authorized to rely thereon. Moreover, it remains each client’s responsibility to promptly notify RPG if there is ever any change in his/her/its financial situation or investment objectives for the purpose of reviewing/evaluating/revising our previous recommendations and/or services. Please Note: Investment Risk. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and it should not be assumed that future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended or undertaken by RPG) will be profitable or equal any specific performance level(s). Cybersecurity Risk. The information technology systems and networks that RPG and its third- party service providers use to provide services to RPG’s clients employ various controls, which are designed to prevent cybersecurity incidents stemming from intentional or unintentional actions that could cause significant interruptions in RPG’s operations and result in the unauthorized acquisition or use of clients’ confidential or non-public personal information. Clients and RPG are nonetheless subject to the risk of cybersecurity incidents that could ultimately cause them to incur losses, including for example: financial losses, cost and reputational damage to respond to regulatory obligations, other costs associated with corrective measures, and loss from damage or interruption to systems. Although RPG has established its systems to reduce the risk of cybersecurity incidents from coming to fruition, there is no guarantee that these efforts will always be successful, especially considering that RPG does not directly control the cybersecurity measures and policies employed by third-party service providers. Clients could incur similar adverse consequences resulting from cybersecurity incidents that more directly affect issuers of securities in which those clients invest, broker-dealers, qualified custodians, governmental and other regulatory authorities, exchange and other financial market operators, or other financial institutions. Assets Under Management As of December 31, 2022, we provide continuous management services for $1,396,768,091 in client assets on a discretionary basis and $335,661,956 on a non-discretionary basis. Additionally, we have $346,204,642 in assets under advisement.