{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

17 13.33%

of those in investment advisory functions:



SEC, Approved, 9/24/2018



of that, discretionary:


Private Fund GAV:


Avg Account Size:




Private Funds:


Contact Info

610 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

528M 452M 377M 302M 226M 151M 75M
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 2 $527,831,000

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


Overview of Advisory Firm and Principal Ownership Archean Capital Partners II, L.L.C., doing business as Archean Capital Partners (“Archean”), is a limited liability company organized in Delaware in 2018, to provide discretionary investment advisory services to one or more private funds. Archean was formed with a goal of achieving income and capital appreciation primarily by acquiring interests in privately offered investment funds sponsored or advised by new, emerging or start-up investment managers. Archean is a joint venture owned by Eozoic Capital, LLC (‘Eozoic”) and Moelis Asset Management, L.P. (“Moelis”). Eozoic and Moelis are collectively referred to as the “JV Partners.” Eozoic was formed as a result of the Transaction previously described in Item 2, in which Pathstone acquired Veritable and the joint venture interests previously held by Veritable in Archean were contributed to Eozoic. As a result, Eozoic assumed all of Veritable’s rights and obligations with respect to Archean under its existing operating agreements. Eozoic is beneficially owned by substantially the same owners of Veritable prior to the Transaction. Because Veritable’s existing operations, including its personnel, were transferred to Pathstone upon completion of the Transaction, Eozoic and Pathstone entered into a services agreement in which the services previously provided by Veritable to Archean would continued to be provided by Pathstone on behalf of Eozoic following the Transaction. Moelis is the parent company for alternative asset management firms with leading capabilities in private equity, direct lending, credit funds and structured products. Moelis has been built on the premise of backing high caliber investment firms with products it believes can provide attractive risk adjusted returns for investors. Moelis has a track record of successfully developing early-stage asset management platforms and other financial services businesses, and deep relationships with hundreds of private market investment firms across all major market sectors and geographies. The businesses of Moelis include Freeport Financial Partners LLC, a direct lending platform, Gracie Asset Management, L.P., a multi-strategy credit manager, Moelis Capital Partners LLC, a private equity firm focused on middle market companies, Moelis Asset Catalyst Partners LLC, a private equity firm focused on seeding first time funds, and Steele Creek Investment Management, LLC, a manager of collateralized loan obligations and other broadly syndicated loan products. Moelis was also the founding investor of College Avenue Loans
LLC, a private student loan originator, and is a joint venture partner in Crossbeam Venture Partners, a venture capital platform. Moelis advisers currently have aggregate assets under management of over $8.1 billion. March 28, 2024 Page 5 Services Provided to Advisory Clients Archean’s current clients are private funds and/or special purpose vehicles owned by private funds (in either case, “Affiliated Funds”). It is expected that many of the investors in such Affiliated Funds may also be clients of Pathstone. Employees of Pathstone or Moelis and/or their affiliates will also invest in the Affiliated Funds. Affiliated Fund advisory services are provided pursuant to a Fund Advisory Agreement or Investment Management Agreement or similar investment advisory agreement (in any case, an “IMA”) tailored to the requests of applicable Affiliated Funds and their respective General Partner(s) (each a “General Partner” - generally also an Archean affiliate). Archean does not tailor its advisory services to the individual needs of any underlying investor. As provided for in applicable IMA(s), Archean assists and advises Affiliated Fund General Partner(s) with the management of certain business and investment operations. As manager or investment adviser of an Affiliated Fund, Archean assists and advises the General Partner with such matters as: (i) identifying, evaluating and selecting potential underlying funds in which to invest Affiliated Fund assets and potential underlying managers to manage all or a portion of Affiliated Fund assets; (ii) allocating Affiliated Fund assets among various investments; and (iii) monitoring ongoing Affiliated Fund performance. Archean may also deploy the assets of Affiliated Funds to non-fund investments and may maintain bank and other accounts for Affiliated Funds. Furthermore, Archean provides or assists in the provision of other portfolio management, investment management, administrative and managerial services for Affiliated Funds. Archean may also assist in certain underlying fund matters (such as with regard to the vehicles in which Affiliated Funds invest). Regulatory Assets Under Management As of the date of this Brochure, the total regulatory assets under management are $527,831,000 representing the total commitments of three private funds, namely, Archean Capital Partners I, L.P., Archean Capital Partners (Master) Fund II, L.P., and Archean Capital Partners (Offshore) Fund II, L.P. Wrap Fee Programs Archean does not offer or participate in wrap fee programs. March 28, 2024 Page 6