Stride Capital Group, LP is a Delaware limited partnership that was formed on December 15, 2009 and
commenced operations in 2010. We are principally owned and controlled by Donald Rogers, our
founder and Managing Partner.
As of December 31, 2023, we advised the following private investment funds (each a “Fund” or a
“Client” and, collectively, the “Funds” or “Clients”):
• Stride Opportunities Fund LP (“Stride Opportunities”), a Delaware limited
• Stride Helios Fund LP (“Stride Helios”), a Delaware limited partnership;
• Stride Perseus Fund LP (“Stride Perseus”), a Delaware limited partnership;
• Stride Terra LLC (“Stride Terra”), a Delaware limited liability company; and
• Stride Astella LLC (“Stride Astella”), a Delaware limited liability company.
Stride Opportunities GP LLC is the general partner of Stride Opportunities. The general partner of Stride
Helios is Stride Helios GP LLC, and the general partner of Stride Perseus is Stride Perseus GP LLC.
The Advisor acts as the manager of Stride Terra and Stride Astella. Like
the Advisor, each general
partner is principally owned and controlled by Donald Rogers. Unless specified and only to the extent
that the context otherwise requires, references to Stride, the Advisor, “we” or “us” herein are deemed
to include references to the general partners as well.
We provide discretionary investment advice to the Funds. In the case of Stride Terra, we have granted
certain discretion and authority to David Capital Partners LLC. In the future, we may provide
discretionary and/or non-discretionary investment advice to other private investment funds.
The Funds are managed in accordance with their own investment objectives as described in their
respective offering documents and/or governing agreements.
The Advisor does not participate as either a sponsor or manager of any wrap fee program.
As of December 31, 2023, we had approximately $97 million in regulatory assets under management
on a discretionary basis. We do not currently manage any assets on a non-discretionary basis.
Stride Capital Group, LP -- Form ADV: Part 2A Page 5