{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

26 13.04%

of those in investment advisory functions:

18 38.46%


SEC, Approved, 12/15/2017


2,232,574,455 57.85%

of that, discretionary:

1,940,224,849 56.09%

Private Fund GAV:


Avg Account Size:

701,406 13.51%

% High Net Worth:

60.59% -2.79%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

616 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

1B 1B 888M 710M 533M 355M 178M
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

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Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 1 $3,166,852

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Brochure Summary


OWNERSHIP/ADVISORY HISTORY Innovia Wealt h, LLC (“We”) was founded by Michael Berkem eier. We are a Michigan Lim it ed Liabilit y Com pany and becam e regis t ered as an inves t m ent advis er in Decem ber 2017. Michael Berkem eier and Aaron Veldheer are t he firm ’s m anaging m em bers. J ohn Vande Gucht e and Mark Ghafari are m em bers, Bobbi J o Blant on is t he firm ’s Chief Com pliance Officer. ADVISORY SERVICES OFFERED Innovia Wealt h’s client bas e cons is t s prim arily of high- net - wort h client s – including bus iness es and bus ines s owners – and our wide range of advis ory s ervices are s t ruct ured and designed t o m eet t he dem ands and com plexit ies facing our client bas e. Our invest m ent profess ionals prim arily provide advice on a dis cret ionary basis, and we have t he aut horit y t o s elect s ecurit ies or ot her invest m ent vehicles (collect ively, “s ecurit ies ”) consis t ent wit h our client s ’ inves t m ent guidelines. All client s have t he abilit y t o lim it or prohibit invest m ent s, as dis cus sed in It em 16 - Inves t m ent Dis cret ion. We believe client s need access t o a variet y of financial t ools based on each client ’s unique circum st ances . In addit ion t o inves t m ent advis ory
s ervices , we align ours elves wit h various individuals and ent it ies t hat enhance our firm ’s product or s ervices offering. For exam ple, we have a relat ions hip wit h an ins urance agency t o provide client s wit h access t o fixed ins urance product s if t he client needs t hem . We als o m anage a privat e fund, des igned t o fill a s pecific need for cert ain client s . All our affiliat ions and arrangem ent s are dis cuss ed in furt her det ail t hroughout t his brochure and specifically in It em 9 Ot her Financial Indus t ry Act ivit ies and Affi liat ions and It em 13 Brokerage Pract ices . Inves t m ent Managem ent A significant focus of our business cent ers around inves t m ent m anagem ent . That is, m onit oring, t rading, divest ing, and reallocat ing s ecurit ies and holdings wit hin t he client ’s account s. No t wo client s ’ needs or circum st ances are t he sam e. As s uch, we focus on t he client ’s unique financial pict ure and object ive when des igning t heir invest m ent port folios and we st rive t o design a balanced, diversified, and cust om port folio t hat will m eet t he client ’s financial circum st ances and needs. We m anage account s t hat are held by our firm ’s cust odians, as discus sed below in