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Adviser Profile

Registration status: Registration Changed to CRESCENDO ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:


of those in investment advisory functions:




of that, discretionary:


Private Fund GAV:

0 -100.00%

Avg Account Size:


% High Net Worth:




Private Funds:

0 6

Contact Info

646 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

353M 303M 252M 202M 151M 101M 50M
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds


Brochure Summary


Introduction Crescendo Asset Management LLC (“CAM or “we”) is a Delaware limited liability company founded in 2016. We are based in New York, New York. The 100% owner of CAM is FinPar Investments LLC. FinPar is an affiliate of Crescendo Capital SA (“CCSA”). CAM provides investment management services to individuals, high net worth individuals (“HNWIs”), their families and corporations, as well as to a number of pooled investment vehicles which follow either a private credit or trade finance investment strategy. As of December 31, 2022, we have approximately $184.5mm in regulatory assets under management (“RAUM”). Our Services Separately Managed Accounts CAM is dedicated to serving the long‐term financial, and, where appropriate, environmental and social goals of our clients, including U.S. residents and non‐U.S. residents. Our services are discretionary and non-discretionary investment management for separately managed accounts. Discretionary or non‐discretionary clients in a separately managed account choose one or more of the following strategies offered by CAM: 1. Traditional 2. Multi Asset Class Strategy 3. International Discretionary separately managed account clients will grant a limited power of attorney to CAM, solely with investment power over the account. This power includes the right to manage client portfolios and effect, on a discretionary basis, transactions in securities, currencies or precious metals, mutual funds, hedge funds, time deposits and bank deposits, as well as the right to carry out any steps of administrative procedures necessary to the performance of these transactions. CAM may initiate forward foreign exchange transactions, provided they serve to hedge an existing investment and if such activity does not subject CAM to having to register with the National Futures Association under the Commodity Exchange Act as a Commodity Trading Adviser. Under a non‐discretionary mandate, we interact with the client and, at the client’s request, discuss and provide views, advice and recommendations concerning securities, currencies, financial market trends and related investment options, strategies and opportunities. We provide the client with advice and recommendations that are appropriate for it and its investment objectives. There is no account minimum. However, CAM recommends a minimum investment amount of $1m to provide for proper diversification. Fees are negotiable. Separately managed account client servicing includes the following steps.
• Investment
and Risk Profile: Client’s short‐term and long‐term needs, familiarity with capital market history and expectations.
• Agree Objective: Propose appropriate investment strategy to be constructed and managed.
• Examine current and projected financial, economic and social conditions: short‐term and intermediate‐term expected conditions to use in constructing a specific portfolio.
• Implement the plan by constructing the portfolio and provide non‐discretionary investment management advice or, in the exercise of discretion, trade the portfolio: Meet client needs at minimum risk levels.
• Feedback: Monitor and update investor needs, environmental conditions, evaluate portfolio performance. Tailored Relationships We tailor advisory services to the individual needs of our clients. Client objectives are documented in the Investment Management Agreement (“IMA”) as amended from time to time. Clients are allowed to impose restrictions on the investments in their account. We accept any reasonable limitation or restriction by the client to the extent that these restrictions do not impair our ability to effectively manage an account. Family Office Offering For certain clients we provide a family service offering. It is based on a threefold solution of individual family strategy, organization and management. We first seek to define and formalize a family strategy which includes establishing the family members, key advisers and their levels of involvement, the family structure, the family’s objectives, and creating an investment policy statement (IPS). In the second step, we implement the client’s strategy and assign a manager and platform to carry out the client’s objectives. On an ongoing basis, we would oversee and manage the strategy. Pooled Investment Vehicles: We provide discretionary investment advice, both on an advisory and sub-advisory capacity, to privately offered pooled investment vehicles (hereinafter “Private Funds”). We currently act as an advisor or sub-advisor to three Private Funds. For the Private Funds we advise, the Firm seeks investment opportunities in either private debt or trade finance. Generally, the Firm’s investment strategy is to seek consistent, uncorrelated returns predominately based on current income generated from senior secured, direct originated loans and debt instruments or trade finance arrangements. Wrap Fee Programs We do not sponsor or manage a Wrap Fee Program or manage client assets via Wrap Fee programs.