other names
{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }}
Headquarters {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date 12/20/2023
Adviser Type - Large advisory firm
- Outside the United States
Number of Employees 57 11.76%
of those in investment advisory functions 4
Registration SEC, Approved, 9/28/2016
Other registrations (1)
AUM* 17,580,730,346 10.26%
of that, discretionary 17,580,730,346 10.26%
Private Fund GAV* 12,490,974,969 -0.19%
Avg Account Size 567,120,334 6.70%
SMA’s Yes
Private Funds 25
Contact Info +35 xxxxxxx

Client Types

- Pooled investment vehicles
- Pension and profit sharing plans
- Charitable organizations
- Corporations or other businesses not listed above

Advisory Activities

- Portfolio management for pooled investment vehicles
- Portfolio management for businesses

Compensation Arrangments

- A percentage of assets under your management
- Fixed fees (other than subscription fees)
- Performance-based fees

Recent News

Reported AUM

29B 25B 21B 16B 12B 8B 4B
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Private Funds


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Fund TypeOther Private Fund Count25 GAV$12,490,974,969

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Brochure Summary


CAMIL is based in Dublin and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Comgest Group (“Comgest” or “Comgest Group”). It serves as the investment manager for a range of Dublin-based UCITS V funds, U.S. private funds, collective investment trusts and separately managed accounts. As explained further below in Item 10, CAMIL uses the investment advisory services of its affiliates. As a discretionary manager, CAMIL also provides trading and middle office support for its clients. The shareholding structure of the Comgest Group is presented below: As referenced in the structure chart above, the principal owner of CAMIL is Comgest Global Investors SAS. Comgest was founded in Paris in 1985 and is an independent equity manager. Since its creation, the Comgest Group has focused on: i. delivering performance for Comgest’s clients by investing in quality growth companies with a long-term investment horizon; and ii. adhering to a disciplined, fundamental investment strategy. The firm’s founders, Jean-François Canton and Wedig von Gaudecker, and the generations that followed, have ensured that this independent structure and focused strategy have remained firmly in place. The Comgest Group manages over 15 equity strategies including global, regional and single country portfolios covering developed and emerging markets. Comgest launched its first Pan-European and Asian equity strategies in 1989. Global equity was added in 1991 and Global Emerging Markets equity was added in 1994, following the opening of a Hong Kong -based entity in 1993. As the firm’s research activities, product range and client base developed, Comgest opened further entities in Dublin, Düsseldorf, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Singapore, Boston, Sydney and offices in London, Milan, Brussels and Vienna. As of September 30th, 2023, the Comgest Group employs over 200 professionals of which 51 comprise the investment teams. Comgest Global Investors S.A.S. is 100% owned by its employees and founders and equity is held broadly across the firm. Approximately 80% of employees are currently shareholders. Comgest has attracted an international client base spanning Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, North America and Latin America. In addition to advising pooled investment vehicles in the form of UCITS V funds, U.S. private funds and U.S. collective investment trusts, Comgest can also create bespoke portfolios to suit clients’ specific needs or investment restrictions in separately managed accounts. CAMIL manages client assets based on the individual needs of the client, which are stated in the written objectives and guidelines of the client’s account. In a typical discretionary separate account relationship (that is, an investment portfolio pursuing a particular investment strategy, established in the client’s name at its custodian), the client authorizes CAMIL to supervise, manage and direct the investment of the assets of the portfolio without prior consultation with the client. For non-discretionary accounts, an adviser must consult with the client prior to implementing any investment decisions. As described further below, CAMIL is a discretionary asset manager, and generally does not provide general investment advice or planning services to its clients on a non-discretionary basis. With respect to CAMIL’s management of Comgest funds, like separate accounts, investment funds are managed in accordance with written investment objectives, strategies and guidelines. However, a fund is a pooled vehicle, and its investment
program cannot be tailored to the individual needs of any particular investor. Investment in a fund does not create an advisory client relationship between the investor and CAMIL. Therefore, investors should consider whether a fund meets their investment objectives and risk tolerance prior to investing. Investors in pooled funds receive an offering memorandum, prospectus, or similar document (each, an “Offering Document”) that describes the fund, including its risks, fees, and the qualifications needed to invest. Some investment funds may be offered on a private placement or other limited basis and may not be available to, or appropriate for, all prospective investors. CAMIL may manage accounts of employee benefit plans, such as corporate pension, profit sharing and money purchase pension plans, that are subject to the fiduciary responsibility provisions of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (“ERISA”) and of plans, such as individual retirement accounts (“IRAs”) and Keogh plans, that are subject to Section 4975 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Revenue Code”) (collectively, “Plans”) on a separately managed account basis or through a pooled product, such as a collective investment trust. When CAMIL manages assets of Plans, CAMIL will be subject to the prohibited transaction provisions of Section 406 of ERISA and/or Section 4975 of the Revenue Code, which provisions, among other things, might affect the manner in which CAMIL may be compensated by such accounts and its ability to enter into certain kinds of transactions, such as cross-trading and certain transactions with, or for the benefit of, CAMIL or its affiliates. Further, with respect to Plans that are subject to ERISA, CAMIL also will be subject to ERISA fiduciary responsibility, reporting and disclosure, and bonding rules, as well as requirements relating to maintenance of the indicia of ownership of Plan assets. To the extent that CAMIL is managing any such Plan accounts, CAMIL intends to comply with all applicable provisions of ERISA and the Revenue Code. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CAMIL and its affiliates do not intend to enter into any transactions with clients (also known as principal transactions). In addition, certain issuers of securities and other investment products may limit the ability of Plans to invest in them, which may affect the composition of the portfolios of Plan accounts and result in a variance between the investments of Plan accounts and the investments of non-Plan accounts that otherwise might have similar mandates. Certain of CAMIL’s subsidiaries and affiliates, which are companies not registered with the SEC (each, a “Participating Affiliate”), may have access to information (such as through employees who work for both CAMIL and an unregistered CAMIL subsidiary or affiliate) concerning securities recommendations for the related adviser’s U.S. clients. Please see Item 10 for a more detailed discussion of such Participating Affiliate arrangements. As of September 30th, 2023, CAMIL has $17,580,730,345 in discretionary assets under management and does not have non-discretionary assets under management. Limitation on Services As an asset manager, CAMIL provides a specific service. CAMIL does not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice, and clients should note that, unless otherwise specifically agreed or disclosed in writing, CAMIL will not take tax considerations into account in managing a client’s portfolio.