DONALD SMITH & CO., INC. other names

{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm
- An investment adviser (or subadviser) to an investment company

Number of Employees:


of those in investment advisory functions:



SEC, Approved, 5/29/1975


4,034,269,522 53.91%

of that, discretionary:

4,034,269,522 53.91%

Private Fund GAV:

219,049,052 70.56%

Avg Account Size:

161,370,781 41.60%



Private Funds:


Contact Info

212 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

5B 4B 3B 3B 2B 1B 666M
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

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Firm of late deep-value investor releases quarterly portfolioCheck out Donald Smith & Co. Stock Picks » Download GuruFolio Report of Donald Smith & Co. (Updated on 05/10/2021)Related Stocks: BCEI, NAVI, AER, JBLU, MOS, XOG,

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Hedge Fund 3 $219,049,052

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Top Holdings

Stock Ticker Stock Name $ Position % Position $ Change # Change
N00985106 AERCAP HOLDINGS $326,322,372 8.00% -8.00% -14.00%
284902509 ELDORADO GOLD $180,158,469 5.00% -8.00% -13.00%
17888H103 CIVITAS RESOURCES INC $162,260,262 4.00% 6.00% 17.00%
37247D106 GENWORTH FINANCIAL INC. $145,647,406 4.00% -7.00% -1.00%
46817M107 JACKSON FINANCIAL INC $161,487,430 4.00% 3.00% -8.00%
55305B101 M/I HOMES $169,298,987 4.00% -17.00% -7.00%
912909108 UNITED STATES STEEL CORP $166,054,228 4.00% -7.00% 0.00%
91529Y106 UNUM GROUP $158,865,264 4.00% -19.00% -15.00%
700517105 PARK HOTELS & RESORTS INC $98,763,005 3.00% -19.00% -5.00%
87724P106 TAYLOR MORRISON HOME CORP $119,068,433 3.00% -21.00% -11.00%

Brochure Summary


A) Description of Firm; Firm Inception; Principal Owners Donald Smith & Co., Inc. was formed in 1975 as Home Portfolio Advisors, Inc. The name and ownership of Home Portfolio Advisors, Inc. was changed to its present form in 1983, when it was purchased by our late founder, Donald G. Smith. We are a registered independent investment advisor since 1975, specializing in managing value equity accounts for large institutions. We have practiced our investment philosophy since our inception with great success, and have never deviated from our style. We have only one line of business and thus are able to devote all of our time to managing client assets. Our business is simple – we only manage low price/book equities – and this allows us to conduct focused, detailed fundamental analyses of companies we invest in. We are an independent entity and have no parent organization. Currently, seven employees and Donald G. Smith’s two daughters have ownership stakes in the company. The total ownership of current employees is now 51.49%. The voting stock and management of the company is controlled by employees – Richard L. Greenberg and Jonathan E. Hartsel. Of these 9 owners, none own more than 25%. Donald G. Smith passed away in October 2019. He and Richard Greenberg worked together for over 38 years. Our new Co-CIOs, Richard L. Greenberg and Jonathan E. Hartsel, have worked together for over 20 years. B) Types of Services Offered As stated above, we have only one line of business – managing value equity accounts for large institutions. We specialize in value investing and our investment advice is limited to this area. We offer six products: All Cap Value Equity, Large Cap Concentrated Value Equity, Midcap Value Equity, Small Cap Value Equity, Micro Cap Value Equity, and Global Value Equity. In our All Cap Value Equity, Large Cap Concentrated Value Equity, Midcap Value Equity, Small Cap Value Equity and Micro Cap Value Equity products, we invest in securities listed on national exchanges, including domestic equities, ADRs of foreign companies and dually-listed companies. We may also receive ordinary shares of foreign companies, rights, warrants, etc. via
corporate actions affecting our existing holdings. In these instances, we will elect to participate on a case-by-case basis and will only participate on behalf of clients that have approved these types of holdings for their portfolio(s). In our Global Value Equity product we invest in ordinaries of foreign companies priced in local currencies in addition to all of the above listed security types. We do not utilize any derivatives or any fixed income securities for any of our products. C) Tailoring Services to Clients; Client Restrictions Our clients are able to place guidelines and restrictions on their accounts if they choose. Examples of areas that can be restricted upon clients’ requests include, but are not limited to: Cash maximum, Individual security weight maximum (at cost or at market), Sector and/or Industry weight maximum, Foreign Investment / ADR maximum, Soft-dollar usage, Proxy voting authority, Client-directed trade programs, Restricted securities, and Types of securities * * Again, we invest in securities listed on national exchanges, including domestic equities, ADRs of foreign companies, dually-listed companies and, for the Global Value Equity product, ordinaries of foreign companies. We do not utilize any derivatives or any fixed income securities. In addition we allow our clients to select performance-based fees. D) Wrap Fee Programs We provide investment advisory services for a wrap fee program in our Large Cap Concentrated Value Equity product. The only difference between the wrap accounts and the other client accounts is that all trades executed on behalf of the wrap accounts have to be traded through the broker managing the wrap program at $0 commission. In all other ways we manage the wrap accounts in the same way we manage all other client accounts. Our investment advisory fees are included in the total wrap fees charged to these accounts. E) AUM – Discretionary vs. Non-Discretionary As of December 31, 2023, our total firm assets under management was $4,034M. The breakdown between discretionary and non-discretionary assets was: Discretionary: $4,034M *(100% discretionary) Non-Discretionary $0