other names
{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }}
Headquarters {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date 12/20/2024
Adviser Type - Large advisory firm
Number of Employees 49 48.48%
of those in investment advisory functions 35 40.00%
Registration SEC, Approved, 12/14/2015
AUM* 4,862,981,883 92.46%
of that, discretionary 4,862,981,883 92.46%
Private Fund GAV* 2,703,402,187
Avg Account Size 8,242,342 -31.17%
% High Net Worth 45.97% 196.24%
SMA’s Yes
Private Funds 45 5
Contact Info 801 xxxxxxx

Client Types

- Individuals (other than high net worth individuals)
- High net worth individuals
- Pooled investment vehicles
- Charitable organizations
- Corporations or other businesses not listed above

Advisory Activities

- Financial planning services
- Portfolio management for individuals and/or small businesses
- Portfolio management for pooled investment vehicles
- Portfolio management for businesses
- Selection of other advisers

Compensation Arrangments

- A percentage of assets under your management
- Fixed fees (other than subscription fees)
- Performance-based fees

Reported AUM

3B 2B 2B 1B 1B 722M 361M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Private Funds


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Fund TypeHedge Fund Count3 GAV$
Fund TypePrivate Equity Fund Count25 GAV$1,944,426,091
Fund TypeReal Estate Fund Count2 GAV$83,122,427
Fund TypeVenture Capital Fund Count4 GAV$164,421,922
Fund TypeOther Private Fund Count11 GAV$511,431,747

Similar advisers

Adviser Hedge Fund Liquidity Fund Private Equity Fund Real Estate Fund Securitized Asset Fund Venture Capital Fund Other Fund Total Private Fund GAV AUM #Funds
Adviser STRAIGHTPATH MANAGEMENT INC Hedge Fund- Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund63.6m Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund19.5m Other Fund15.0m Total Private Fund GAV117.6m AUM- #Funds9
Adviser OPTIMAL CAPITAL ADVISORS, LLC Hedge Fund- Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund52.8m Real Estate Fund9.3m Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund10.3m Total Private Fund GAV72.5m AUM116.6m #Funds13
Adviser PANTHEON Hedge Fund- Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund23.1b Real Estate Fund383.0m Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund4.4b Total Private Fund GAV27.9b AUM71.5b #Funds93
Adviser COASTEDGE PARTNERS, LLC Hedge Fund- Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund136.6m Real Estate Fund14.6m Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund26.4m Other Fund157.7m Total Private Fund GAV361.8m AUM1.7b #Funds18
Adviser OAKMONT CORPORATION Hedge Fund16.4m Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund140.1m Real Estate Fund524.0m Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund321.1m Total Private Fund GAV1.0b AUM2.3b #Funds15
Adviser INCUS CAPITAL ADVISORS, SA Hedge Fund- Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund219.9m Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund1.1b Total Private Fund GAV1.3b AUM- #Funds10
Adviser PRECISION CAPITAL ADVISORS, LLC Hedge Fund- Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund1.8b Real Estate Fund43.3m Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund140.6m Other Fund2.7m Total Private Fund GAV2.1b AUM2.1b #Funds75
Adviser GROVEPOINT INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LLP Hedge Fund- Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund445.8m Real Estate Fund636.0k Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund58.4m Total Private Fund GAV504.8m AUM- #Funds36
Adviser J. SAFRA ASSET MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Hedge Fund- Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund72.4m Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund68.8m Total Private Fund GAV141.2m AUM3.7b #Funds3
Adviser CM WEALTH ADVISORS LLC Hedge Fund- Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund504.8m Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund973.8m Total Private Fund GAV1.5b AUM3.2b #Funds29

Top Holdings

Stock Ticker Stock Name $ Position % Position $ Change # Change
Stck Ticker464288679 Stock NameISHARES TR $ Position$61,644,185 % Position9.00% $ Change-1.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker464287614 Stock NameISHARES TR $ Position$52,524,327 % Position8.00% $ Change6.00% # Change-1.00%
Stck Ticker78462F103 Stock NameSPDR S&P 500 ETF TR $ Position$55,959,305 % Position8.00% $ Change2.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker464287150 Stock NameISHARES TR $ Position$23,723,059 % Position4.00% $ Change0.00% # Change-2.00%
Stck Ticker464287200 Stock NameISHARES TR $ Position$28,423,138 % Position4.00% $ Change3.00% # Change1.00%
Stck Ticker46436E718 Stock NameISHARES TR $ Position$25,024,431 % Position4.00% $ Change30.00% # Change32.00%
Stck Ticker46434V878 Stock NameISHARES TR $ Position$22,483,990 % Position3.00% $ Change-1.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker46641Q837 Stock NameJ P MORGAN EXCHANGE TRADED F $ Position$19,182,670 % Position3.00% $ Change-1.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker78464A508 Stock NameSPDR SER TR $ Position$16,764,281 % Position3.00% $ Change16.00% # Change20.00%
Stck Ticker922908363 Stock NameVANGUARD INDEX FDS $ Position$20,522,609 % Position3.00% $ Change27.00% # Change24.00%

Brochure Summary