CCV LLC other names

{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm
- Related adviser

Number of Employees:

26 -38.10%

of those in investment advisory functions:

14 -36.36%


SEC, Approved, 11/9/2015


962,535,738 -11.98%

of that, discretionary:

962,535,738 -11.98%

Private Fund GAV:

563,481,885 -11.41%

Avg Account Size:

8,518,015 -5.75%

% High Net Worth:

9.73% 7.08%



Private Funds:

78 13

Contact Info

646 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

1B 943M 786M 628M 471M 314M 157M
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Real Estate Fund 78 $563,481,885

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


CCV LLC is a limited liability company that was formed in the State of Delaware on July 30, 2015.
Adviser was formed and is wholly-owned by Quadro Partners, LLC. (“Parent”). Parent owns and controls various other entities, including RealCadre LLC (“RealCadre”), a broker-dealer registered with the SEC and a member of FINRA and SIPC.
Adviser provides investment advice to (i) investors who have established a relationship with Adviser, which shall typically take the form of managed or separate accounts with Adviser (“Managed Accounts”), or (ii) investment vehicles, including pooled investment funds or private real estate investment trusts (REITs), as may from time to time be advised by Adviser (“Investment Funds”, together with the Managed Accounts, individually and/or collectively, as the context requires, the “Clients”). Client relationships are established to allocate capital to real estate investment opportunities (debt and equity) listed and managed through the website ( (the “Web Portal”) hosted by Parent which are brokered by RealCadre. As of December 31, 2023, Adviser managed $962,535,738.69 in client assets on a discretionary basis and did not manage any client assets on a non-discretionary basis.
Managed Accounts Adviser provides the following investment advisory services in respect of its Managed Accounts: (i) where applicable, work with investors to choose the Managed Account(s) that are suitable for their investment profile and in their best interest; (ii) identify and present investment opportunities for the Managed Accounts; (iii) make recommendations regarding allocation of Managed Account capital to real estate investments within the investment guidelines governing the specific Managed Account; (iv) advise on the disposition of investments, in accordance with the governing documents of the specific Managed Account; (v) participate in the monitoring and evaluation of each Managed Account’s portfolio of investments; (vi) meet with Managed Account investors periodically to discuss performance and strategy; and (vii) performing incidental functions and providing other similar services. The exact scope of services provided to each Managed Account varies depending upon the terms of the documentation governing the relationship between Adviser and such Client.
The investment guidelines with respect to each Managed Account will be set forth in the investment management agreement and will describe the kinds of investments that the Managed Account will invest in, which will in all cases be investments in the real estate sector (debt and equity) within the investment guidelines governing the specific Managed Account (“Investments”) (including direct investments or indirect investments through joint ventures (“Joint Ventures”)).
Each Managed Account may or may not have guidelines that match other Managed Accounts, accordingly, each Managed Account should be evaluated on its own. Additionally, Managed Account investors may impose restrictions on investing in certain securities (for example, securities representing real estate investments that are outside of the investor’s specific risk profile or geographic preference) or types of securities (for example, securities representing debt instruments). Some Managed Accounts may be non-discretionary in that they require Adviser to obtain a Client’s specific consent to invest in any or certain types of Investments.
Investment Funds Adviser’s investment advisory services to the Investment Funds consist of identifying and evaluating Investment opportunities (including direct investments or indirect investments through Joint Ventures), negotiating the terms of Investments, managing and monitoring Investments and ultimately achieving dispositions for such Investments. Additionally, Adviser will generally oversee the Investment Funds’ assets in accordance with the terms of its advisory or management agreements, confidential offering and/or private placement memoranda, limited partnership agreement and other governing documents applicable to each Investment Fund (the “Governing Documents”). Investment advice and management is provided directly to the Investment Funds and not individually to the limited partners of or investors in the Investment Funds (the “Investors”).
Investment restrictions applicable to an Investment Fund are described in such fund’s Governing Documents. Investors should review the Governing Documents for additional information regarding the Investment Funds in which they have invested.
Other Advisory Services From time to time, Adviser may offer certain Clients or Investors co-investment rights and/or opportunities. Adviser applies its discretion when allocating such opportunities to Adviser's Clients, Investors and/or others, taking into account facts and circumstances such as the nature of the transaction, speed of execution required, tax considerations, familiarity with and history of investing in the relevant industry, ability to provide strategic insights and other factors believed relevant.
Adviser endeavors to keep itself informed regarding investor interest in co-investment by maintaining records of those investors who have expressed interest in co-investments. Adviser has also organized and manages private investment vehicles (i) to facilitate investment by Adviser’s affiliates and employees into certain Investments (including into Investment Funds) and/or (ii) to facilitate participation in the Promote Share (as defined below).
This brochure is not an offer to invest in any Managed Account or Investment Fund.