Hanseatic Management Services, Inc. (“Hanseatic”) was founded on June 9, 1995 and is
currently owned equally by Russell T. Sanderson, Brian R. Stangel , and Amy M Stangel.
Hanseatic is in the business of providing investment advisory services by way of
investment management, model portfolios, investment advice, and financial planning.
Hanseatic uses its own proprietary investment process to provide investment
management services on a discretionary basis through separately managed accounts or
through sub-advisory agreements to non-affiliated registered investment advisors who
utilize separately managed accounts or wrap fee programs. Hanseatic has experience
working with the following types of clients for investment management services: large
public pension funds, union funds, corporate funds, family offices, fund of funds,
registered investment advisory firms, small business clients and individual clients.
Individual client accounts include qualified and non-qualified accounts. Hanseatic uses
the following asset classes in its product suite: equities, fixed income, real estate,
precious metals, and cash equivalents. Investments are made either directly into a
security or through ETF’s, depending on the strategy.
For investment management, Hanseatic’s product suite includes: Domestic Equity
Strategies (Large Cap Equity, All Cap Growth Equity, All Cap Tax Efficient Equity, and
Small Cap Equity), Targeted Risk Strategies (Balanced Risk and Conservative Risk),
Dynamic Strategies (Tactical Asset Allocation ranging from Growth to Conservative over
5 strategies), and Cash Management Strategies (Treasure Bills).
Hanseatic also supplies model portfolios based on its own proprietary investment process
on investment platforms designed to distribute investment products to registered
investment advisors and their investment advisor representatives. Hanseatic supplies
model portfolios on a non-discretionary basis without the ability to effect trading. Assets
attributable to model portfolios are not included in Hanseatic’s regulatory assets under
management calculations, but rather are calculated separately as assets under
With regard to investment management and model portfolios, Hanseatic uses its
proprietary, quantitative investment process to construct diversified portfolios that
dynamically adapt to changing market environments while actively managing risk. The
robust investment process is driven by a team and has attracted top institutions as
investors in the past. (See Section 8, “Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies, and
Risk of Loss”)
Hanseatic provides investment advice services to client retirement savings accounts
where investments are not directly managed with a Hanseatic product. Hanseatic advises
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on asset allocation, fund selection, market risk, performance, cost, and capital
preservation for established choices within a client’s retirement plan. A client does not
have to maintain a separately managed account with Hanseatic (investment management
services) to engage Hanseatic for its investment
advice services. Hanseatic provides
investment advice on a discretionary as well as non-discretionary basis.
Lastly, Hanseatic provides single issue or comprehensive financial planning to clients. If
an engagement is for comprehensive financial planning, Hanseatic’s services include an
analysis of a client’s current investments. Separate written investment advice and/or
investment management agreement(s) is/are executed based on a client’s unique goals,
circumstances, risk tolerance and risk capacity for ongoing services for investments. A
client does not have to maintain a separately managed account with Hanseatic
(investment management services) to engage Hanseatic for its financial planning
With regard to financial planning, Hanseatic provides comprehensive planning advice and
primarily focuses on areas of cash flow management, debt management, investment
planning, estate planning, tax planning, and retirement funding. Hanseatic has a conflict
of interest whenever it provides investment advice with comprehensive financial planning
services. If appropriate after analysis, Hanseatic will recommend itself as the investment
manager and recommend its investment products or will recommend itself as an
investment advisor. Hanseatic utilizes client interviews, risk questionnaires, software
analysis, and statement analysis of current investments to make investment
recommendations. Hanseatic also utilizes a network of professionals for comprehensive
financial planning and/or specific financial planning objectives, such as tax preparation
and planning services. Hanseatic does not provide legal services for estate planning.
Only with consent from a client will Hanseatic work with other professionals to assist with
coordination and implementation of agreed upon strategies. Fees for services by other
professionals are charged in addition to Hanseatic’s fees and either billed directly from
the other professional or through Hanseatic. Hanseatic will disclose any material conflicts
of interest by the firm or any of its employees that could reasonably be expected to impair
the rendering of unbiased and objective planning advice.
Depending upon each client’s unique circumstances, objectives, and preferences,
Hanseatic tailors its services to the individual needs of its clients. Hanseatic requires a
written agreement with each client outlining the scope of services. Investment
management services, model portfolio services, investment advice services, and financial
planning services all require distinct written agreements. When Hanseatic has discretion
over an investment account, it manages each account in accordance with investment
guidelines set by the client. If clients impose restrictions on investing in certain securities
or types of securities it is addressed in the written agreement.
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As of December 31, 2023, Hanseatic had $105.9 million in assets under management,
$83.4M of which were in discretionary accounts, $22.5M were in non-discretionary
As of December 31, 2023, Hanseatic had $97k in assets under advisement.