other names
{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }}
Headquarters {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date 01/30/2025
Adviser Type - Large advisory firm
- An investment adviser (or subadviser) to an investment company
Number of Employees 115 0.88%
of those in investment advisory functions 44 25.71%
Registration SEC, Approved, 05/22/1985
AUM* 41,186,294,289 22.83%
of that, discretionary 41,186,294,289 22.83%
Private Fund GAV* 0
Avg Account Size 1,466,696 16.72%
% High Net Worth 57.43% 2.24%
SMA’s Yes
Private Funds 0
Contact Info 310 xxxxxxx

Client Types

- Individuals (other than high net worth individuals)
- High net worth individuals
- Investment companies
- Pooled investment vehicles
- Pension and profit sharing plans
- Charitable organizations
- State or municipal government entities
- Insurance companies
- Sovereign wealth funds and foreign official institutions
- Corporations or other businesses not listed above
- Other

Advisory Activities

- Financial planning services
- Portfolio management for individuals and/or small businesses
- Portfolio management for investment companies
- Portfolio management for pooled investment vehicles
- Portfolio management for businesses

Compensation Arrangments

- A percentage of assets under your management
- Fixed fees (other than subscription fees)
- Performance-based fees

Reported AUM

47B 41B 34B 27B 20B 14B 7B
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Private Funds

No private funds


Top Holdings

Stock Ticker Stock Name $ Position % Position $ Change # Change
Stck Ticker29109X106 Stock NameASPEN TECHNOLOGY INC $ Position$688,908,251 % Position2.00% $ Change-1.00% # Change-6.00%
Stck Ticker526107107 Stock NameLENNOX INTL INC $ Position$772,111,828 % Position2.00% $ Change0.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker50212V100 Stock NameLPL FINANCIAL HLDGS $ Position$655,415,076 % Position2.00% $ Change44.00% # Change2.00%
Stck Ticker74164M108 Stock NamePRIMERICA INC $ Position$749,392,850 % Position2.00% $ Change0.00% # Change-2.00%
Stck Ticker75524B104 Stock NameRBC BEARINGS INC $ Position$455,827,828 % Position1.00% $ Change-2.00% # Change-2.00%
Stck Ticker775711104 Stock NameROLLINS INC $ Position$378,105,801 % Position1.00% $ Change-9.00% # Change-1.00%
Stck Ticker526107107 Stock NameLENNOX INTL INC $ Position$265,043,672 % Position1.00% $ Change4.00% # Change3.00%
Stck Ticker749607107 Stock NameRLI CORP $ Position$317,831,076 % Position1.00% $ Change5.00% # Change-1.00%
Stck Ticker78709Y105 Stock NameSAIA INC $ Position$343,723,187 % Position1.00% $ Change4.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker82982L103 Stock NameSITEONE LANDSCAPE $ Position$332,776,504 % Position1.00% $ Change-15.00% # Change-3.00%