other names
{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }}
Headquarters {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date 09/23/2024
Adviser Type - Large advisory firm
- Outside the United States
Number of Employees 14 40.00%
of those in investment advisory functions 7 133.33%
Registration SEC, Approved, 08/30/2021
Other registrations (1)
Former registrations


AUM* 1,022,867,444 -17.22%
of that, discretionary 1,022,867,444 -17.22%
Private Fund GAV* 652,675,070 -22.51%
Avg Account Size 204,573,489 -17.22%
SMA’s No
Private Funds 5 2
Contact Info +85 xxxxxxx

Client Types

- Pooled investment vehicles
- Sovereign wealth funds and foreign official institutions

Advisory Activities

- Portfolio management for pooled investment vehicles

Compensation Arrangments

- A percentage of assets under your management
- Performance-based fees

Reported AUM

1B 1B 883M 706M 530M 353M 177M
2021 2022

Private Funds


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Fund TypeHedge Fund Count2 GAV$599,078,275
Fund TypePrivate Equity Fund Count1 GAV$15,158,394
Fund TypeOther Private Fund Count2 GAV$38,438,401

Similar advisers

Adviser Hedge Fund Liquidity Fund Private Equity Fund Real Estate Fund Securitized Asset Fund Venture Capital Fund Other Fund Total Private Fund GAV AUM #Funds
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Adviser VIEW CAPITAL RIA, LP Hedge Fund23.9m Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund5.6m Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund4.8m Total Private Fund GAV34.2m AUM1.6b #Funds4
Adviser REMY INVESTORS & CONSULTANTS, LLC Hedge Fund40.1m Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund58.3m Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund136.1m Total Private Fund GAV234.5m AUM812.0m #Funds3
Adviser REMY INVESTORS & CONSULTANTS, LLC Hedge Fund- Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund- Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund- Total Private Fund GAV- AUM781.5m #Funds-
Adviser FULLER INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY Hedge Fund1.4m Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund348.1k Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund154.0m Total Private Fund GAV155.8m AUM213.3m #Funds3
Adviser RAISON ASSET MANAGEMENT Hedge Fund- Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund50.7m Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund- Total Private Fund GAV50.7m AUM55.6m #Funds1
Adviser PANI BEKAERT PLUIM & CO. LLC Hedge Fund125.0m Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund1.2m Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund15.0m Total Private Fund GAV141.2m AUM- #Funds3
Adviser ELISE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC Hedge Fund- Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund- Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund- Total Private Fund GAV- AUM- #Funds-
Adviser VARADERO CAPITAL, L.P. Hedge Fund1.6b Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund939.1k Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund138.4m Total Private Fund GAV1.7b AUM2.9b #Funds8
Adviser GRAMERCY FUNDS MANAGEMENT LLC Hedge Fund1.7b Liquidity Fund- Private Equity Fund3.5b Real Estate Fund- Securitized Asset Fund- Venture Capital Fund- Other Fund2.1b Total Private Fund GAV7.2b AUM7.1b #Funds48

Top Holdings

Stock Ticker Stock Name $ Position % Position $ Change # Change
Stck Ticker722304102 Stock NamePDD HOLDINGS INC $ Position$90,233,289 % Position40.00% $ Change-20.00% # Change11.00%
Stck Ticker46438F101 Stock NameISHARES BITCOIN TRUST ETF $ Position$32,498,430 % Position14.00% $ Change25.00% # Change-15.00%
Stck Ticker874039100 Stock NameTAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR MFG LTD $ Position$22,375,617 % Position10.00% $ Change14.00% # Change0.00%
Stck Ticker88160R101 Stock NameTESLA INC $ Position$19,701,738 % Position9.00% $ Change50.00% # Change-3.00%
Stck Ticker136635109 Stock NameCANADIAN SOLAR INC $ Position$15,440,120 % Position7.00% $ Change # Change
Stck Ticker35969L108 Stock NameFULL TRUCK ALLIANCE CO LTD $ Position$11,069,942 % Position5.00% $ Change-13.00% # Change-28.00%
Stck Ticker48553T106 Stock NameKANZHUN LIMITED $ Position$8,031,766 % Position4.00% $ Change-21.00% # Change-1.00%
Stck Ticker52490G102 Stock NameLEGEND BIOTECH CORP $ Position$8,691,434 % Position4.00% $ Change2523.00% # Change3828.00%
Stck Ticker647581206 Stock NameNEW ORIENTAL ED & TECHNOLOGY $ Position$6,931,440 % Position3.00% $ Change-21.00% # Change-6.00%
Stck Ticker44332N106 Stock NameH WORLD GROUP LTD $ Position$4,122,838 % Position2.00% $ Change-11.00% # Change0.00%

Brochure Summary