{{ Info.Overview }}
Revenue: {{ Info.Revenue | formatUSD }} Headquarters: {{ Info.Headquarters }}

Adviser Profile

As of Date:


Adviser Type:

- Large advisory firm

Number of Employees:

94 -3.09%

of those in investment advisory functions:

20 -4.76%


SEC, Approved, 7/30/2020

Other registrations (1)
Former registrations



6,347,741,936 -7.69%

of that, discretionary:

6,347,741,936 -7.69%

Private Fund GAV:

6,334,838,152 -7.58%

Avg Account Size:

109,443,826 -14.06%



Private Funds:

35 1

Contact Info

646 xxxxxxx

Websites :
Client Types:


Advisory Activities:


Compensation Arrangments:


Reported AUM

8B 7B 5B 4B 3B 2B 1B
2020 2021 2022 2023

Recent News

Three Farmers sees 'golden opportunity' as Saskatchewan has record year for agricultural exports

The Golden Opportunities Fund, a local investment fund based in Saskatchewan and run by Westcap Management, recently made a new investment in the food innovation company, along with a partnership ...


Private Funds Structure

Fund Type Count GAV
Private Equity Fund 35 $6,334,838,152

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Private Funds


Brochure Summary


WestCap Management, LLC is a limited liability company formed in the State of Delaware. WestCap has been in business since 2019 and its sole owner is Laurence A. Tosi (the “Principal”). We manage private pooled investment vehicles organized as either limited partnerships or limited liability companies (collectively, the “Funds”). Interests in our Funds are marketed primarily to institutional investors, high net worth individuals, family offices, trusts, corporations, limited partnerships and limited liability companies. Investors purchase interests in our Funds, with investments made at the Fund level. At this time, our only advisory clients are the Funds. As the investment manager of the Funds, we (i) identify investment opportunities, (ii) monitor performance and manage the acquisition and disposition of the portfolio company investments of each Fund, and (iii) address issues that may arise with respect to the performance of the Funds’ portfolio companies or the value of the Funds’ investments. Affiliates controlled by us serve as the general partners (the “General Partners”) or managing members (the “Managing Members”), as applicable, of each Fund. Our investment management services for the Funds primarily focus on researching and managing negotiated acquisitions of interests in privately-owned operating companies (i.e., corporations and limited liability companies) that typically are in a growth phase of their development or otherwise meet the target investment objectives of the Funds, managing the Funds’ interests in those portfolio companies and arranging for the disposition of those interests, with a primary focus on portfolio-company investments in four core areas: (i) Financial Technology; (ii) Real Estate Technology; (iii) Experience Technology; and (iv) Healthcare Technology. The Funds do not purchase publicly traded securities, but may ultimately hold such securities as a result of portfolio company events, such as an initial public offering, a merger with a public company or a sale of a portfolio company to a public company. For the Funds, we generally seek the right to appoint a board member to most portfolio company boards of directors and/or to obtain a board observer seat, however, there can be no assurance that a Fund will receive the right to appoint a board member or a board observer to any particular portfolio company. Additionally, WestCap provides initial public offering advisory services to its portfolio companies typically in concert with independent professional accounting and legal teams. Such services include, assisting selected portfolio companies in underwriter and auditor selection, developing operational infrastructure and staffing to prepare for public company reporting, optimizing operations and procedures to support future public company compliance requirements, marketing and branding services, and investor selection. The management services we provide for each Fund are further described in the applicable Fund’s offering memorandum, documents or operating agreement in the case of a Fund organized as a limited liability company, and the investment management agreement between us and the Fund (the “Documents”) and are not necessarily tailored to individual needs of any particular investor in a Fund. Certain Funds make a single investment generally in a single class of securities of a particular portfolio company, which is described in that Fund’s Documents (“Specified Asset Funds”). Three of our Funds invest in securities of a variety of portfolio companies without any prior specification (the “Strategic Funds”). In accordance with common industry practice, we and the General Partners or Managing Members, as applicable, may enter into “side letters” or separate agreements with certain investors in a Fund pursuant to
which we and the General Partners or Managing Members, as applicable, grant an investor specific rights, benefits or privileges that are not generally made available to all investors in a Fund (for example, including, without limitation, access to information, ability to transfer interests in a Fund or compliance with specified investment policies, laws or regulations). We will not enter into any side letters granting information rights to investors regarding Fund portfolio companies if such rights are reasonably expected to have a material, negative effect on the other investors in the applicable Fund and we will comply with the “Preferential Treatment Rule” as and when applicable. Disclosure of applicable side letter practices in any particular Fund is made to investors prior to their investment in such Fund and we will disclose all preferential treatment of investors in a Fund related to any material economic or other terms in accordance with and to the extent required under the “Preferential Treatment Rule” as and when applicable. The Funds’ investments are typically in preferred stock and, from time to time, in common stock, convertible preferred stocks, convertible notes or other instruments convertible into equity securities of a portfolio company. The Documents detail the remuneration to be received or potentially to be received, by our affiliated General Partners or Managing Members, as applicable, and carry partner for managing the Funds. In general, the Strategic Funds are WestCap’s primary investment funds. In the event that a portfolio company’s demand for capital exceeds the amount of capital that the General Partner of the applicable Strategic Fund is comfortable investing because of, among other reasons, prudent concentration and diversification concerns or the expectation that further investments will be required thereafter through the exercise of preemptive rights, WestCap may from time to time offer the advantage of co-investment commitments by forming a separate Specified Asset Fund to concurrently invest in the applicable Strategic Funds portfolio company. All investors have the right to invest in any such Specified Asset Fund. We and our General Partners, Managing Members and employees are fiduciaries who must take into consideration the best interests of our Funds and the investors therein. We seek to act at all times with competence, dignity, integrity and in an ethical manner when dealing with our investors and complying with our fiduciary obligations. We seek to use reasonable care and to exercise independent professional judgement when conducting investment analysis, and when making, managing and disposing of investments and engaging in associated professional activities. As a fiduciary, we have the obligation to deal fairly with our investors. We have the following responsibilities, among others, when managing our Funds: Ÿ at all times serve the best interests of the Funds; Ÿ to exercise a high degree of care and diligence in our management decisions; Ÿ to have a reasonable basis, information and understanding of the facts in making our management decisions; Ÿ to fully and fairly disclose any material conflict of interest in writing to the Fund and its investors and/or to the Fund’s Limited Partner Advisory Committee, including, without limitation, conflicts arising as a result of compensation paid to affiliates of WestCap by the Funds, and to seek the best execution of the Funds’ transactions generally and in the selection of any broker-dealers, as may be applicable; and Ÿ to treat Funds and their investors fairly and equitably. We do not participate in wrap fee programs. We managed $6,347,741,936 of regulatory assets under management, all of which are managed on a discretionary basis as of December 31, 2023.