Boston Financial Management, LLC is an independent wealth management firm that provides
investment management, financial planning, estate planning and trust services to individuals, families,
endowments, and not-for-profit organizations. We were founded to answer the unique challenges that
come with wealth and continue to provide solutions to our clients' most important financial questions.
Our team creates comprehensive and customized financial plans to address the financial needs and
life goals of our clients based on a review of their personal financial situation and investment
objectives. We offer strategic advice that integrates with that of other advisors our clients may have.
Our team monitors our clients' portfolios, manages investment changes and communicates regularly
with clients to review any changes to their financial picture. As changes occur, BFM can implement
appropriate adjustments to our clients' plans.
Boston Financial Management, LLC furnishes investment supervisory services to clients both on a
discretionary and a non-discretionary basis. The strategies we offer are listed below, but additionally,
we may manage client portfolios in accordance with specialized or hybrid strategies not listed. In
managing accounts, we consult at the outset with the client for the purpose of establishing investment
objectives, and to determine an appropriate investment strategy suited to the client's investment goals
and risk tolerance.
•BFM High Quality Dividend Appreciation Strategy
•BFM High Quality Mid Cap Strategy
•BFM International Equity Strategy
•BFM High Quality Income Strategy
•BFM Global Asset Allocation Strategy
•BFM Global Impact (ESG) Asset Allocation Strategy
•BFM Balanced Strategy
•BFM Fixed Income Strategy
Clients may impose restrictions on investments in certain securities or types of securities or direct the
purchase of specific securities for their accounts, and we will honor those restrictions and execute
those directions. Investments are selected and periodically reviewed in light of such objectives and
strategy. From time to time, we, in consultation with the client, review, and if appropriate, revise the
investment objectives and strategy.
While the vast majority of our assets under management represent direct client engagements, a small
percentage of our assets under management represent Boston Financial Management investment
strategies that are made available through an unaffiliated third-party platform. In this circumstance, our
Company has engaged a third-party platform to make our Company's strategies available to clients of
the third-party.
Boston Financial Management also offers clients a broad range of estate and financial planning
services, which may include any or all of the following:
•Customized cash-flow analysis & balance sheet review
•Estate plan review and integration with wealth management plan
•Retirement planning
•Estate & income tax exposure review
•Charitable planning
•Divorce financial
•Trust Administration
Through Boston Fiduciary Services, LLC, we provide professional trustee and fiduciary services to
individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations. The Boston Financial Management Fiduciary
Committee is comprised of experienced and credentialed professionals who provide oversight on all
fiduciary matters where we are named as trustee. Boston Fiduciary Services, LLC is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Boston Financial Management.
We are 100% owned by senior employees of the firm or trusts created by those employees. We have
been providing advisory services since 1976.
IRA Rollover Recommendations
Effective December 20, 2021 (or such later date as the US Department of Labor ("DOL") Field
Assistance Bulletin 2018-02 ceases to be in effect), for purposes of complying with the DOL's
Prohibited Transaction Exemption 2020-02 ("PTE 2020-02") where applicable, we are providing the
following acknowledgment to you.
When we provide investment advice to you regarding your retirement plan account or individual
retirement account, we are fiduciaries within the meaning of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act and/or the Internal Revenue Code, as applicable, which are laws governing retirement
accounts. The way we make money creates some conflicts with your interests, so we operate under a
special rule that requires us to act in your best interest and not put our interest ahead of yours. Under
this special rule's provisions, we must:
•Meet a professional standard of care when making investment recommendations (give prudent
•Never put our financial interests ahead of yours when making recommendations (give loyal
•Avoid misleading statements about conflicts of interest, fees, and investments;
•Follow policies and procedures designed to ensure that we give advice that is in your best
•Charge no more than is reasonable for our services; and
•Give you basic information about conflicts of interest.
We benefit financially from the rollover of your assets from a retirement account to an account that we
manage or provide investment advice, because the assets increase our assets under management
and, in turn, our advisory fees. As a fiduciary, we only recommend a rollover when we believe it is in
your best interest.
Our strategies are offered through a sub-advisory agreement with a third-party advisor, Envestnet.
Envestnet sponsors a program which makes Boston Financial Management strategies available to
other financial advisors. Those financial advisors have the option to recommend our pre-defined
investment strategies as part of their investment advisory services to their own clients. In its sub-
advisory arrangement, Boston Financial Management provides non-discretionary advice and is not
responsible for the execution of trades.
As of December 31, 2023, we managed $4,341,951,644 of client assets on a discretionary basis and
$108,002,945 of client assets on a non-discretionary basis.